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The myth of the Lisp genius (johndcook.com)
113 points by rsaarelm on April 26, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 108 comments

The myth is also bolstered by some of greatest book on the craft of programming ever written:

  * The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  * Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence
  * Art of the Metaobject Protocol
  * The Schemer Series (Little, Seasoned, Reasoned)
  * Essentials of Programming Languages
  * Lisp in Small Pieces
Few programming languages have such an abundance of truly deep gems. One has to wonder if there's a reason.

  > One has to wonder if there's a reason.
This particular type of argument keeps coming up in Lisp-related discussions, but I seriously doubt its validity.

Lisp is overrepresented in classic texts on computer science, yes. But that doesn't allow you to jump to the conclusion that, hence, it's the best possible language or even a very good one for all things ever. As far as I'm concerned, cultural heritage (with Lisp having a long academic tradition) and syntactic/semantic transparency are far more likely explanations. SICP, for instance, doesn't employ Scheme because it is an apt language choice for industry projects or general programming but because it's a very slim, non-obtrusive language that virtually disappears behind the concept that's under scrutiny. Watch the lectures: it takes them about 10 minutes to explain all of Scheme's syntax. That's great, because when elucidating CS concepts, syntax doesn't matter at all.

However, being particularly well-suited for explanatory/conceptual purposes does not make Lisp an ideal language for everything. Not even necessarily for many things.

Classic? SICP and PAIP are the only two I'd really consider classic. The Reasoned Schemer is 2005 and is IMO the most important introductory text on relational programming since Warren's Abstract Machine: A Tutorial Reconstruction. ~200 lines of Scheme and you have something as fast Prologs written in 150K of C.

I don't consider Art of the Metaobject Protocol to be introductory or conceptual. Alan Kay considered it one of the only interesting books published on object oriented programming for a decade! Lisp in Small Pieces is also not particularly introductory or conceptual - that's a hardcore compiler optimization text.

I'd love to hear of a domain where a Lisp dialect isn't as well suited as anything else.

SICP claims "programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute". If that's true, then a language's suitability for explanatory/conceptual purposes is its primary virtue. The right question to ask about a language is, what concepts does it help explain?

At least half of those are on interpreters & compilers. Ever notice how compiler books that use C, Java, etc. usually have a 300 page tangent at the begging about automata theory, LALR parser generators, and so on? (PS, ever notice how many people never get through it?) Lispers can just use "(read)" and get on with life. They can skip a bunch of hard material upfront and hit the ground running.

It's good to know lexing & parsing techniques, but upfront? That's like writing a TCP/IP stack before you can do CGI scripting.

The same is equally true with many other languages, nowadays; one can use Erlang tuples, JSON, ML/Haskell type constructors, Lua tables, Python dicts & lists, etc. instead of s-expressions, but Lisp had a several-decade head start, so it (and to a lesser extent, ML) has a disproportionately large share of excellent compiler literature.

Lisp had a several-decade head start in many useful programming language features that are now commonplace (and some that aren't yet so commonplace).

Sure. Just like APL, Prolog, and others.

> One has to wonder if there's a reason.

Cost is one. These books would be ten times as big had they used Java examples. ;-)

Seriously now: Lisp has a very unobtrusive syntax. It seems a good fit for teaching a lot of concepts.

Isn't it strange that searching for `unobtrusive' in Google yields "Unobtrusive Javascript" as the first result? Is Javascript the new Lisp? :)


PS: It was rather a tongue in cheek comment, implicating the Lispy roots of Javascript, and the increasing popularity of it among programmers. I would bet that interest towards functional programming or Lisps will increase with such movements, and the myth might in that sense be invalid in a near future.

In the context of javascript, "unobtrusive" means it is designed to degrade peacefully in browsers where javascript is missing or disabled. In this case, the right way to attach an event handler is to assign a class or an id to the HTML element in question and add an event handler to it using an event listener in a separate javascript file, rather than jamming an `onclick="doSomething()"` attribute into the HTML element itself.

> In the context of javascript, "unobtrusive" means it is designed to degrade peacefully

Nitpicking here, but that is actually graceful degradation/progressive enhancement.

Unobtrusive JavaScript is about writing JavaScript code that plays well with others. The example you gave of not having inline JavaScript in your presentation layer (HTML) is one example. Not writing JS code in the global namespace and avoiding monkey-patching built-in objects are other examples.

Unrelated. "Unobtrusive Javascript" is about not having JS clutter your HTML.

I don't think this argument stands. There are just as many great C books out there:

  * C Programming Language - by K&R
  * The Indispensable Guide to C with Engineering Applications - by Paul Davies
  * C Interfaces and Implementations - by David Hanson
  * A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation - by David Hanson
  * Graphics Programming Black Book - by Abrash with lots of Quake goodies

The books I listed are only tangentially about Lisp. They are fundamental texts on the craft of programming. The same way that Concept Techniques and Models of Computer Programming is not really about Mozart/Oz.

Of the Lisp books listed above, almost all are interpreter/compiler books. Of those, only one, and I'm not convinced the lcc book compares favorably to any of the Lisp (or ML) compiler books.

Lisp has a major advantage over C for symbolic programming; it's really not C's strong point.

According to Norman Ramsey, Hanson said one of the main things they learned from writing lcc was that C was a lousy language to write a compiler in.

I've read K&R and parts of the Hanson books. They're all excellent but less interesting than most of the Lisp books above, SICP and PAIP in particular.

And if you count the number of classic books written in an Algol-based language its basically every other book except the small set listed by the previous poster.

I don't understand why people keep citing K&R as a great book. It's a fairly mediocre introduction to C programming. Harbison and Steele is much more useful IMO.

I found K&R a difficult slog. It could have had twice as much explanation text.

The Art of Computer Programming, on the other hand, uses Assembly. One has to wonder if there's a reason.

An idealized assembly. And I certainly agree that Knuth's texts are of the caliber of the books in the above list.

I think one of the more interesting examples of great Lisp books is Sussman and Wisdom's Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics. From reviews (haven't read it yet - it's on my to-read list), it's highly praised by physicists exactly for its computational approach to classical mechanics and its use of Scheme as notation. You certainly get the notation feeling reading SICP.

Allen's Anatomy of Lisp is the best introduction to language formal semantics I've seen. Too bad it's out of print, but it is a bit dated by now.

Now if you're actually talking about the craft of programming, the two best books ever are Graham's On Lisp and Hoyte's Let Over Lambda. Lisp macros are the best programming tool available today, and those are the only books that go in-depth on macros.

[Meta] What is it about Lisp that makes it the subject of so many blog posts by people who almost certainly don't use it on a day to day basis? Is it some sort of insecurity about their current environment? Is it just a go to topic when you can't think of anything better? Why don't Haskell and Erlang attract the same attention, though both make big claims too (e.g. the type system makes programs correct, the actor model solves concurrency...)

Lisp has some unique features. Some people like them, and feel more productive using them. Other people don't, and prefer other languages. Can we move on now?

I think that "insecurity about their current environment" is spot on. Or at least this has been my experience. Lisp is hailed as something close to perfection gurus (like Paul Graham, etc) use. Before I discovered Python I was drawn back to Lisp once a year on average, only to find out again that it's not quite there for real-life use. Luckily, with Python I defeated the insecurity in my tools and could happily move on.

Lisp has had some extremely vocal advocates. Paul Graham, certainly. "Beating the Averages" has attracted a lot of attention, outside its typical niches.

Also, Lisp has been around for a while - it's been a couple decades ahead of its time for fifty years! Much great research literature has come out of its culture.

Besides, Haskell certainly gets plenty of "blog posts by people who almost certainly don't use it on a day to day basis". Erlang's culture seems to favor ugly pragmatism over "avoiding success at all costs", though.

Have you noticed how many articles are about C around here? As I said in another thread, there's too many benefits to discussing C/Lisp/Git: strong opinions (thus, traffic), karma, and illusory in-group status.

If we want to fix Hacker News, we need a way to stop these sorts of karmic feedback loops from setting themselves up, because they are echo chambers.

(Also, it'd be nice if bloggers didn't measure post success by traffic, but we all know that isn't going to change.)

How would you prefer bloggers to measure success? I assume that most writers would measure success in readership, influence, or money. Traffic seems pretty close to readership. Influence is harder to measure, but generally the more readers, the more influence. And money from a website is generally proportional to traffic.

Well, I'd wish they'd measure it by the quality of their writing and the discussion it generates instead of hits. But it's up to them how to measure success.

I'm only concerned with how that perception of success affects HN. Presently, it's too easy for bloggers to choose to discuss A Most Excellent Technology in the hopes of making the front page. The actual writing may not make any points beyond, "vim changed my life!" but, still, it's put on the front page by the bikeshedding committee, thus perpetuating the feedback loop. You may argue that certain tools have a favored status within certain groups, and that is fine -- I'd prefer if people were picky about their tools. But the standard must be raised on bikeshedding articles beyond mere sentiments of "I like this technology." There needs to be an intellectual gain made from the blog post, not simply an opinion being expressed.

Otherwise, HN risks becoming like every other social news site, where people upvote the articles they want to see to the point of creating more noise than signal. We are still have quite a ways to go before we're there, but the recurrence of topics is a bit troubling.

That's a fairly pessimistic view of "most writers." I would hope that most authors would pick topics based on their own intellectual curiosity, and enjoy readership/influence/money as a secondary benefit of their work. But perhaps I am being unrealistic?

That was my question as well. It's pretty clear from searching lisp on this guy's blog and looking at his resume and list of software projects that he has actually never used lisp.

> If one person does a job in half the time of another, maybe it can be attributed to their choice of programming languages. If one does it in 1% of the time of another, it’s probably a matter of talent.

This has been discussed many times (recently, somebody attributed a significant difference in productivity among programmers to... the ability to touch type).

Anyway, why different tools could in principle not be able to generate wildly different productivity outcomes?

"If you only have a hammer" can be reversed: if you don't have a hammer, then planting nails becomes incredibly difficult and takes a great amount of time (and ingenuity). A (not too practical-oriented) friend of mine once called me because he had spent an hour and a half trying to screw together a simple Ikea bookshelf (where the documentation said it could be done in less than 10 minutes). Turned out he was trying to screw the big bolts with pliers, and that's really hard.

This kind of argument irks me slightly. I think it's partly the "Lisp is awesome, only a genius can really understand. btw, did you know I use lisp?" attitude, and partly because, well, for all you geniuses who are so awesome and productive, there's not a hell of a lot to show for it.

You've had fifty years, ffs, and what have you got to show for it. Some furry guy who wrote emacs 40 years ago? Why is it that the web was built with php and perl? Why my desktop apps are still mostly written in C? You've had you're arse handed to you on a platter by every language (just about) since fortran. Stop waxing lyrical about how great lisp it, and get out there and prove it, dammit.

Lisp may be a great language, but it's proponents don't seem all that great at getting stuff done

Do not undermine network effects. C/C++ have had unbeatable network effects going on for them for a very long time now. Most systems are shipped with C based drivers and apis (Opengl, posix etc). Writing code in Lisp (Or any other HLL) means that you have to first write a binding for said library which is lispy, then build a system on top of that. Also then data has to be marshalled / unmarshalled from the C data structures into your language specific data constructs - this has a penalty in terms of speed. And finally you have to wrap the unmanaged c/c++ code so that it has an idiomatic (in lisp) garbage collection and exception handling story. In short - to write systems level lisp code requires you to be a jedi in C, api design, lisp and sheer code writing (because you have to essentially recreate the convenient wrappers that intel/ nvidia etc write in C).

Put another way - in 10 years if HTTP/Javascript continue on the same path people could arguably say the same thing - "some furry guy wrote Linux in C, but what has C done for the world recently? All the cool apps being built recently are in Javascript/HTML on the frontend and Python/Ruby on the backend"

But Lisp is older than C by 15 years and still lost out?

It did not really compete that much. The target audiences and target domains are really different.

C was invented as a replacement for assembler to portably write operating systems and applications in a slightly higher-level notation.

Lisp was invented as a tool for computing with symbols (computer algebra, theorem prover, game playing, natural language processing, expert systems, knowledge representation, ...).

Then what about the Symbolics and Lisp Machine guys?

when the Lisp Machines were invented in the mid 70s (as personal workstations for research programmers mainly in AI) and commercialized in the early 80s there was nothing to compete with. When alternatives were available, there was no longer the need to have those (and they were not competitive), so they died away.

I do not want to rehash all the points covered under "Worse is better" - [A] largely because I dont think I could ever write as eloquently as Richard Gabriel. You are right C has "won" for some value of won - in the sense that most large systems currently in existence have C at their core. From another point of view lisp has "won" because at least in the circles I roll the languages used today are closer to lisp (dynamic languages with garbage collection) than they are to C. In any case neither you or me could take any credit for what our language ancestors (Kernighan, Ritchie, Steele, Pitman etc) accomplished in their day.

[A] - http://www.dreamsongs.com/WorseIsBetter.html

Lisp is not concerned by implementation details. C is somewhat concerned with implementation details.

Implementation details largely determine how fast a given program will run.

C makes it rather easy to predict how fast a piece of code will run, and what its bottlenecks will be. Lisp makes that rather hard.

Given that there are always programs that need to be as fast as possible even with hand-optimized algorithms running on top-of-the-line hardware, C will win for many applications that have even moderate performance requirements.

Also, current mainstream operating-systems favor C and C++, if only implicitly.

I don't buy the "Lisp is not concerned by implementation details" because all I see in Lisp are implementation details, namely everything is a singular linked list and you have to go somewhat out of your way to use anything else (switch from lists to actual arrays, and you have to modify your code from using CAR to AREF, for example). Don't forget the numerous equality operators either (EQ, EQL, EQUAL, etc) whose results are most definitely dependent upon the underlying implementation detail (EQ compares pointers, EQUAL compares visual representations).

For speed, I use profilers, because I'm still surprised at where the code is spending its time, even after 20 years of programming in C.

I'm beginning to think that Lisp appeals to programmers that like programing in raw Abstract Syntax Trees which is a small subset of all programmers.

Your point over everything being a singular linked list is a very good one. Even as a lisp user I wish that things were specified in terms of a sequence protocol rather than a list data structure. I believe Clojure rectifies this historical anomaly. In their defense the people creating Lisp didnt have any prior art and were making rules as they went along.

Yeah, but not to fix it for 53 years?

Mistakes in non trivial languages are not fixed, they are worked around. (cl-containers does offer a clos based sequence protocol)

"Some furry guy who wrote emacs 40 years ago? Why is it that the web was built with php and perl?"

Try using Google? CL-HTTP has been around since 1994, Symbolics came out with the second ever commercial 3d animation package a few months after Wavefront in 1983 or 1984, first HDTV-capable digital editing systems in 1989 for Japan, etc. Most of the "hot" parallel processing stuff of today (Map/Reduce, futures, actors) was done in Lisp at MIT in the early 80s.

Just because you're too lazy to find out whether something exists doesn't mean it's not there.

If you continue with this line of reasoning you'll come off sounding an awful lot like Monty Python's "What have the Romans done for us?" Skit.

>> If one does it in 1% of the time of another, it’s probably a matter of talent.

The original article seems to base this on the flawed assumption talent and choice of tools are not related.

edit: should have phrased the above as "this statement seems based". It's not the entire article.

>> The original article seems to base this on the flawed assumption talent and choice of tools are not related.

The article does say they could be related:

"Another possibility is that super-programmers are attracted to Lisp."

That would be a strong correlation. However, the article is about causality, though. If the truth is that

Programming talent -> Choose Lisp

Then it is not necessarily the case that

Choose Lisp -> Programming talent

Sorry for the poorly thought out post.

Anyway, as was pointed out elsewhere, someone can write a web CRUD in Rails in 1% of the time it would take to write it in C with Apache modules (or ISAPI DLLs). Choosing the wrong tool can have disproportionate effects.

Having a large tool set is one of the hallmarks of the great programmer.

One example off the top of my head: a friend of mine was struggling for a week to deliver a simple J2ME (it was 2002 or 2003) app using Eclipse. I directed him towards NetBeans. The product was ready that same afternoon. The IDE support in NetBeans was so complete his job was more a fill-in-the-blanks than anything else.

Oh, I see what you mean. I agree completely.

I learned C and Lisp at exactly the same time, during a six month internship in 1988. I wrote a program to interpret hand sketched input on a tablet and turn it into a CAD model.

Before I started I only knew Basic and a little Fortran but the project I worked on required me to learn these two new languages, C for the low-level code that interfaced to a graphics tablet and the display driver, Lisp for the code that did some analysis on the lines and geometric shape drawn by the user.

I remember that on days I was working on the Lisp code I was happy and things seemed in harmony. On C days I often ended the day worried and headachy.

However, I couldn't have written the C portion in Lisp and writing the Lisp portion in C seemed unreasonable at the time as well.

What I take from the experience is that, to some extent, Lisp seems so much more productive is that it's typically chosen for programming tasks that don't deal with the ugliness and "hardness" of things like drivers or other low-level code. Not sure about GUIs but that's another area where programming becomes tedious and unfun, at least for me.

So, I don't think that Lisp is chosen for easier tasks but definitely for tasks where a solid grounding in CS and an ability to think abstractly is more important and there's some level of self-selection going on in those areas.

> Not sure about GUIs but that's another area where programming becomes tedious and unfun, at least for me.

When I have problems with UIs it's because there's a lack of separation in structure, design, and scripting that you get with HTML+JS or MXML+ActionScript which both make UI dev really easy and fun. In contrast, I think Swing, AWT, WxWidgets, Tkinter, GTK, Windows API, .NET, and even Qt make graphics programming a pain in the neck (some more than others). But once you get toward a more web-approach of UI, s-expressions are a perfectly fine way of representing XML too. Tags are functions, Perl realized that as well.

My own experience with writing low level software is that without a good support library you're going to be doing assembly that may be painful depending on the microcontroller and what you're interfacing with. (ARM stuff is pretty good.) If there are good bindings for higher languages like Lisp, programming in Lisp becomes nice again. PyGame is a great example of porting a (in my view) somewhat ugly C library that is SDL and making it nice and neat to use in the higher level Python. I know a team in Colorado who are using Flex to build a multi-touch application on a USB tablet.

In the face of no good library though, C is definitely a great choice and it's useful for augmenting assembly. If I want to worry about memory and pointers, C's my goto language.

Very true. 99% of my work is C on small, embedded ARMs now and we don't have a display so no need to worry about GUI directly. However, we do have web servers and the GUI work has become more pleasurable with HTML+JS and/or (gasp!) PHP.

I terribly dislike the hypothetical Lisp creature described by the Bipolar Lisp Programmer. It has little basis in reality and is probably the greatest straw-man argument I've seen. Though calling it an argument on my part is a kindness; it's more of a soap-box.

There are just genius programmers.

Lisp just happens to be a pretty good language.

The two are quite orthogonal to one another.

I wouldn't expect a genius programmer to end up with a random choice of language, especially after a few years and exposure to a variety of languages.

If you agree (as I do) that there are differences in "power" of language, I would expect that genius programmers would be far more likely than average to choose a language of above-average power.

Thought experiment: How many genius programmers do you know that use VB6 by choice?

I'm not sure I know any genius people let alone programmers.

And I definitely do not know of anyone who programs in VB6.

However, I am some what familiar with John Carmack. I would consider him a genius programmer. Yet he uses C++ almost exclusively. You would have to ask him if he thinks it's the most powerful language available to him. However, I would hazard a guess that his choice of C++ was incidental (http://rome.ro/smf/index.php?topic=3086.0) -- it just happened to be the de facto lingua franca for developing graphics intensive video games.

By orhtogonality I mean to imply that attributes of one are not affected by the other. Lisp is and will continue to be a powerful language with or without genius programmers using it. In fact, if genius programmers are exceptional and rare as we say then I would imagine Lisp has developed over the last fifty years almost exclusively without the help of geniuses. Similarily, not all geniuses will think to use Lisp; yet they will still be exceptional programmers and produce exceptional software.

Update: Included link to thread about an alleged response from Carmack to an email asking about C++. Apparently he uses it and has used it since Doom3.

EDIT: I stand corrected: It looks like John Carmack has indeed been using C++ since Doom 3. I sheepishly admit to having based my believe that he still used C on having looked at the Quake 3 source code many many years ago. What next, Carmack decides that he prefers Direct3D?

Point taken about the orthogonality of language choice and programming ability. There are great programmers who use Lisp, there are great programmers (like Mr Carmack) who use C and then there are great programmers like Richard Stallman who can write Emacs in Lisp and then write GCC in C (albeit with a Lispy flavour).

"I actually think Direct3D is a rather better API today. [For example], Direct3D handles multi-threading better, [while] newer versions manage state better," Carmack told Custom PC.



I'm not sure if you meant the bit about Direct3D to be toungue-in-cheek: http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2011/03/11/carmack-direc...

Carmack said ‘I actually think that Direct3D is a rather better API today.’ -- http://www.vizworld.com/2011/03/carmack-direct3d-opengl/

There definitely is something psychological as well as practical.

First, it is an issue of social dynamics. Very intelligent people frequently develop means by which they congregate without the less intelligent. Elite academic institutions facilitate this. The corporate world does not. As far as I can tell, lisp was the anti-blub when there was only blub, which allowed people to distinguish themselves from their peers -- a bit like going to Mensa meetings. This need seems to be less pronounced in the younger generation since there are other distinguishing languages in fairly common use.

Second, there is current research in neurobiology that indicates that the evolution of the brain (perhaps responding to its environment) has a naturally recursive structure and there is a growing field in the study of religion and philosophy that indicates that the growth of many systems has a fractal structure. In fact, Mandelbrot commented on this himself in response to Lovejoy's Great Chain of Being, although he never applied it to the correlative systems of the East, nor the syncretist projects of the Renaissance. These are frequently associated with genius for good reason. I suspect Lisp is popular because of how it "clicks" with something mentally.

Third, it is not quite clear how any of this relates back to programming as a craft. Philosophers can create their own discrete systems. Mathematicians, even if they don't deal well with other people, are, at least ostensibly, dealing with reality. Lispers, on the other hand, frequently must deal with real products for real people. Realistically this means that products must have significant scope, which almost invariably means more than one person working on them (actually products are rarely brilliant, though inventions may be). Which is to say, the "inventive" aspect, which may be contained and individual, is likely distinct from the practical aspect, which is collective. Obviously certain features (e.g. static typing, immediate comprehensibility when viewing method/class names, etc.) would seem to be preferable for large collaborative projects.

In conclusion, although it is said "real artists ship," it is often the case (e.g. Van Gogh, Schopenhauer) that real artists languish unacknowledged, their brilliance unappreciated in their own time. Art, when pursued for its own sake, rarely can deal with practical considerations -- which may good for the increase of knowledge generally or the field of computer science, but bad for business (insofar as business is making money right now).

I think a lot of the Lisp hype stems from the development environment. I was too tired on a cross country flight last night to do customer work, but I did work on two of my own projects: one using Java, IntelliJ, and the excellent Play! framework (dynamically compiles code while editing - fairly agile environment) and later another project in Common Lisp. Using Emacs + Slime + Common Lisp, at least for what I was working on (NLP stuff), just felt great. Two nice environments, but the Lisp environment was just more comfortable.

I'll take this up a few notches and proclaim that almost all commonly used languages offer "high impedance" when it comes to the jump from thought to the expression of that thought for a machine to execute. This does not mean that they are not useful. It does mean that they are very primitive in many ways.

My life as a programmer and hardware designer started when I hand-built (wire wrapped) my first 8080-based computer way-back-when. Coding was done typing in hex codes into a hexadecimal keypad. Pretty amazing what you could write that way. Wanting more, I wrote a simple version of Forth. Wow! The productivity gain was impressive. Meanwhile, in College, we had to take FORTRAN. I hated it for some reason. Then my Physics professor offered an alternative: If you signed-up for his APL class you could get equivalent credit. Out went FORTRAN, in with APL. I would not learn C until three years later.

The fact that my real programming life started with exposure to the extremes represented by hand-coded hex, Forth and APL probably made me think very differently once I got to C and other languages. APL allows you to think and translate those thoughts and ideas to computer instructions with very little to distract you. The process of programming in C-like languages can be very mechanism oriented rather than problem oriented. By this I mean that you spend a log of time working on how to get the mechanics of the thing to work rather than focusing on the problem domain.

I learned and programmed in Lisp extensively later in life. It was the AutoCAD version of Lisp. I wrote all sort of tools and utilities for AutoCAD and can say that I enjoyed using the language. In terms of productivity and the ability to quickly express ideas, I think it did pretty well. Is it the realm of geniuses? Nothing is.

How about shouting up about the lisp this or that and just think of it as a normal programming language with some features that most programmers dont understand because the never learned them in school job.

These lisp geniuses are just programmer that grew up in a time where lisp was often used. So the are "just" programming geniuses.

Lisp does not make medicore programmers 10x better. Its just a very good programming language.

P.S. Back then it did make you much more productive because all other languages where way behind not like knowdays.

> Lisp does not make medicore programmers 10x better.

No language will. OTOH, no mediocre programmer will grok Lisp.

Depends on what you mean by "grokking Lisp". If it means a full exploitation of all the language's possibility, I agree, but it seems a bit obvious that a mediocre programmer would be unable to do that. If it merely means being able to program in the language, that's not true.

This article scares me. My mediocre programming skills will never be able to handle Lisp. Damn.

Never give up on goals you still care about. Get a beer and some notepaper. Write down some notes about how you can be a better programmer. Think about topics slightly out of the domain - how you represent ideas, how you explain ideas to people, how you try to understand ideas that are explained to you, how you read code. Think about how you can improve. Think about some deliberate practice exercises. Take what's useful from doubters and ignore the rest. You'll get there.

Also you can watch the lectures by Abelson and Sussman themselves[1], also on MIT OpenCourseWare.

[1] http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.001/abelson-sussma...

[2] http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-comput...

Thanks, maybe I'll give it a go (I like the idea with the beer and notepaper!)

Don't be. The Lisp family of languages is not as scary or difficult as some people make out of it. I personally found it less mind bending than Haskell (which is a different beast altogether).

I'd suggest you to give Scheme a try, its more minimal than Common Lisp and IMHO simpler to start off with. All you have to keep in mind is that syntax in Scheme is both uniform and minimal. What you also need to remember is that Scheme is probably unlike any other language you have encountered (The Algol family), so you must not try to program in Scheme the way you do in say C or Pascal.

Agree, Lisp is actually very easy to learn initially. You don't have to grow a beard and stop bathing, just have some fun with the basics and see where it leads you.

Well, I've got a beard, and I don't bathe much already...

Start with _The Little Schemer_ or _Land of Lisp_* . It's really not hard, less difficult than a language like Java. It's different, though, like APL or Erlang are different.

* The former uses Scheme, the latter uses Common Lisp. While you could get caught up in the lengthy debate over which (if either) is superior, it's probably a better to just pick one and learn the basics. Then, you'll be able to make an informed decision later.

For someone scared I would strongly recommend http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/matthias/HtDP2e/

I don't recall _The Little Schemer_ being any kind of gentle introduction.

_The Little Schemer_ is likely the gentlest possible introduction (unless you have a peanut allergy). It's a quick read, too.

Perhaps you're thinking of SICP?

I'm definitely not thinking of SICP, but now that I look at the table of contents of _The Little Schemer_ I must have been thinking of another book. It had an innocuous title but very tricky and subtle contents. It wasn't very long. And it wasn't _Simply Scheme_ either.

Okay. If it helps, the formatting for _The Little Schemer_ is very distinctive: a lot of short question-and-response pairs, with (perhaps overly) cutesy drawings of elephants. _The Seasoned Schemer_ is harder, but it's the sequel.

If you like the format, _The Little MLer_ is one of the best intros I've seen to ML-style type systems.

Practical Common Lisp (http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/) is great if you already know some programming.

I definitely support the "grab a beer and relax" step 1. Download a scheme (I like mit-scheme) and solve some problems from Project Euler. No worries if you make no progress, you're just goofing around.

Using Lisp the same way as you do other languages isn't any more difficult than using the other languages, after you learn the syntax and the basic tools of course. It's what you can do after you've learnt the basics that sets Lisp apart.

In other words: the beginning of the learning curves of Lisp vs. other languages are about the same. Lisp's curve just continues after that.

Others (e.g., PG) have written more elegantly about this topic, but I really do think the key is the complete malleability that Lisp gives you: you're free to recast the problem in your own terms, using whatever DSL makes the most sense, and program in those higher-level forms.

Other languages force you into specific toolsets (objects, functions, etc.) and thwart pure expression of the problem.

  > Other languages force you into specific toolsets
  > (objects, functions, etc.) and thwart pure expression of
  > the problem.
Pure expression and complete malleability are decidedly non-intrinsic goods. Sure, you're free to reshape your language according to the requirements of the task at hand, but that process takes tremendous amounts of experience and care and foresight. If you lack these qualities, Lisp isn't going to get you anywhere. Even worse: it may end up being counterproductive.

Graham made such successful use of Lisp because he was a highly competent engineer, and thoroughly familiar with CLisp. Firing up SBCL doesn't grant you these abilities qua choice of language. So I'm glad that some people still offer counterpoints to the Lisp cargo cult around here.

But there's another effect: using a language as malleable as Lisp forces you to consider how you want to mold your program. After a few mistakes, this will teach you good program design, thus actually making you a better programmer.

(Yes, of course there are exceptions. But I think in general that having this freedom will make you consider how to use it, which will make you consider alternate ways to code the same thing, which is ultimately how you learn.)

I think you've just restated his "Blub" position exactly.

Possible, but irrelevant given that I'm not arguing against Graham's stance. I'm sure he's right about "blub" and so on: Lisp is a tremendously useful tool in the right hands. What I find increasingly annoying are the countless acolytes that ignore the actual point and simply repeat "MACROS! MALLEABILITY! DSL!" like a vacuous mantra.

"I think of Donald Knuth writing TeX in Pascal, and a very conservative least-common-denominator subset of Pascal at that. He may have been able to develop TeX faster using a more powerful language, but perhaps not much faster."

Knuth himself said he didn't think he could have written TeX without his literate programming tools, right? Which fits the pattern of Lispers extolling metaprogramming, though without their built-in support.

(Despite which, I don't in fact think Lisp makes you a genius, or even significantly better than with other popular languages -- though it was a different story back in the 80s when I learned it.)

Lisp imposes almost no structure,

I'm a lisp novice, but doesn't it impose functional composition? And isn't that some mighty structure?

Nope, it doesn't. It may encourage it, but by no means is it required. Common Lisp was the first standardized object oriented language, actually (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Common_Lisp_O...).

You can write Lisp code that's as imperative as Java. Whether this is good or bad is left up to the reader.

Use closures to create a simple object system. You'll see that you can quickly create systems ranging from Java-esque rigidity to smalltalk message passing to javascript prototypes pretty quickly. Then you can start making your own trade offs in object systems. This is something most people (including lisp programmers) don't do daily, and it gets you wondering about some very abstract things. The imposed structure of say, Python (or most other languages), limits you to thinking about "only" the problem domain. For most people (again, including lispers), narrowing the mental focus helps a lot.

CLisp, for example, is not a functional language in the sense of ML language or Haskell.

CLisp is a multi-paradigm language. You can use it in a OOP or a functional style. You can even use its OO features in a functional way and viceversa. E.g Objects are poor's people closures. [1]

[1] http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ClosuresAndObjectsAreEquivalent

Hate to be pedantic, but there is no such language as CLisp. There is Common Lisp language, commonly abbreviated to CL, and CLisp is the name of one of its implementations -- the other popular ones are SBCL, Clozure CL, Allegro CL, to name a few. One should not identify Common Lisp the language with CLisp the implementation, especially since it is not the fastest or the most pleasant one.

Also, CLisp is not a language, it's an implementation of a language named Common Lisp: http://www.gnu.org/software/clisp/

(It's common misconception, and a confusing name)

You could argue that it imposes a fanatically singular structure which is paradoxically what makes it so incredibly flexible.

One of my favorite things about Common Lisp is that it has gotos and stack unwinding to dynamically (at runtime) determined points:




Even if you are not a superprogrammer, if you work your way through SCIP you'll have greatly improved your skills. Maybe you can still become a superprogrammer.

I doubt it would be possible to become a superprogrammer by coding Java because you would be too busy trying to comply with all the specifications.

I suspect there may be something to the idea of Lisp supporting multiple paradigms of development. If (and this is a big if) you had enough exposure to the virtues of imperative, functional, and declarative programming styles and (second big if) enough "taste" to apply them in tandem with each other, that Lisp may have been one of the few places to leverage that as a skill.

But maybe a better question would be how often you would be better mixing those types of development in a single program.

Lisp is good, and every good programmer needs to be familiar with it-- if nothing else, in order to know what she's missing in other languages-- but I find that a lot of Lisp people start using Lisp (in a humorous reversal) as their own Blub. To them, it's Lisp-versus-Shit. I find this mentality incredibly short-sighted.

Strong, static typing is really great. It may not be appropriate to every problem, but it saves a lot of time in the long run. Just as every programmer ought to spend a year in Lisp, every programmer should spend a year in a Hindley-Milner static-typing language.

My feeling about dynamic typing is that it test-drives really well, but it's not great for a 6,000-mile road trip. Lisp definitely beats Haskell and Ocaml in the former regard, and for small projects, I don't think there's any language that can be faster. On the other hand, for a large project with 5 developers, experience has led me to conclude that I'd much rather be using a statically-typed language.

If you're right about Lisp's suitability for small projects and Haskell and Ocaml's suitability for long projects, then that answer's oconnore's question about why the strongly-typed academic (as of 2011; not inherently academic) languages don't attract the same mythology: Seeing something get done in half an hour that you expect to take all day leaves a much stronger impression than seeing something get done in a month that you expect to take six months.


Another problem languages like Ocaml and Haskell have is this: most programmers have a very predictable trajectory through increasingly more powerful languages: C++, then Java (garbage collection), then Python or Ruby (more abstraction and power), then Lisp, which has the aura of being the pinnacle of languages, one that removes all the accidental complexity and leaves programmers able to tackle the intrinsic complexity of the problem. Strong, static typing seems like a step backward-- some seatbelt that was thrown away at the Java-to-Python transition. It's not, and Hindley-Milner type inference ensures that the static typing doesn't even eat up much developer time, but the benefits of static typing don't appear until you work on a larger project where debugging and testing become major concerns. The difference between a 40% and an 80% debug/test overhead is enormous, but aren't going to show up on a 500-line project.

Strong static typing is an awesome tool that the language forces you to use. Lispers don't like being "forced" to do anything. However, on a project of sufficient size, the relatively minor drawbacks of static typing are more than paid off by the reduced test/debug overhead.

Strong static typing and Lisp are not mutually exclusive.

  * Strong Static Type Checking for Functional Common Lisp
  * Qi/Shen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qi_(programming_language)
  * Typed Racket
I think what is at issue is that Lispers aren't willing to have static-typing completely baked in. Haskell's various type system extensions show that people are still working hard to figure out how to get the expressive benefits of generic programming in a strongly typed language.

Personally, I'm particularly interested in supporting a la carte type systems for Clojure and have started work towards that end.

most programmers have a very predictable trajectory through increasingly more powerful languages: C++, then Java (garbage collection), then Python or Ruby (more abstraction and power), then Lisp

I've seen virtually no one take this trajectory. Half of the Lisp programmers I know had Lisp as one of their first languages (MIT or Berkeley alum). Most C++ devs that went on to Java or C# did NOT go to Ruby or Python. Most C# devs would consider that a step backwards unless you were using a specific framework for a specific task, e.g., Rails.

The only thing I do tend to agree with is that Ruby/Python devs seem to have Lisp envy. But very few others classes of developers do.

"Half of the Lisp programmers I know had Lisp as one of their first languages (MIT or Berkeley alum)."

We also learn Scheme as our first language at Indiana University computer science@

Lots of Smalltalkers don't have Lisp envy. I'm not one of those, however.

It seems to me that most successful lisp programs use voluntary expressive names to cope with the lack of type information.

    (defun turn-cat-into-dog (cat-or-nil)
From such a definition, it is clear that this is f:[cat,nil]→dog, but the compiler isn't required to help you if you pass in a 4. This may cause some run time overhead in non-optimized code, but from my experience, is rarely a source of bugs. Has your experience been different?

Perhaps then, the biggest benefit of the type system is that it forces the programmer towards expressive code?

Lispers have moved this to object systems sometime in the mid 70s of the last century (starting with Flavors), here CLOS:

    (defmethod turn-cat-into-dog ((a-cat cat)) ...)

    (defmethod turn-cat-into-dof ((a-cat null)) ...)
or declarations in the mid 80s of the last century:

    (defun turn-cat-into-dog (thing)
      (declare (type (or cat null) thing))

I knew Lisp and nothing else until I learned Python and Java years later, and the only reason I've missed statically typed code after finding out what it is is that optimizing Lisp is rough. Improving the algorithms is fast in Lisp, but time and space improvements that involve type declarations are IMO poorly documented.

But for a 6000-mile road trip? Are you kidding? That's when Lisp shines brightest because of macros. If you get 3 or 4 Lisp programmers together and none of them has ADD (on second thought, this may not be possible) you'll get that project done much faster and better than you would otherwise. Because of functional programming, bugs will be easy to deal with, too.

I would speculate that, with regard to development time as a function of complexity, Lisp is O(n) whereas other languages are O(n^2) or worse.

I would like to say one thing to anyone who considers using Lisp:

It's perfectly okay to use Lisp just like you would use any other language.

It's better designed and more consistent than most others, and has good implementations. It makes sense to use Lisp as just a regular language without any wizardry.

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