This declarative narrative is more or less a marketing gag, isn't it? Mixing Logic and Markup has always been an antipattern in web development. However, react calls this declarative and this is the new black now?
I’ve been doing web since 1990s and I‘ve always thought spreading a UI element across 3 separate files (often in different locations) was an anti-pattern (or 5+ files In 5 different folders if you want MVC).
React is awesome because it allows feature-aligned separation of concerns (each component has a single job - render everything about a specific element - which is usually a well defined part of a specific use case).
Jsx is the best UI system ever in terms of productivity - speaking from experience: I’ve implemented production apps using dozens of UI frameworks/platforms - Html, WYSIWYG, Flash, WindowsForms, WebForms, Ajax, Asp.Net Mvc, Razor, WPF, Xaml, Silverlight, Knockout, Handlebars, PhoneGap, Ionic, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, Angular2, React w/ Class Components, React w/ Mobx, React w/ Hooks
I can tell you pros/cons of each of those. But at the end of the day I can develop an entire app in days in React+Hooks which would take me weeks in most any other.