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> One of the value props was the inability to reset and resell if it were lost or stolen.

It's sure one of those nice to have features, but there's no good reason why it has to be mandatory like it is. All in all, having a device purposefully retain some information when you factory reset it is user-hostile.

The "lost or stolen" argument also hardly holds for desktop computers like Mac Pro or Mac Mini or iMac, yet they still have T2s in them.

It seems like this is a feature designed to shrink the "used" market for Apple products -- and not a user benefiting feature.

But one of the things about Apple products that makes people okay with the exorbitant pricing is the resale value. I thought Apple themselves realized this?

No, they want both you and the potential pre-owned Mac buyer to buy a new device each.

> The "lost or stolen" argument also hardly holds for desktop computers

Why ? People's houses get broken into all the time.

And probably 99.999% of laptops never leave a person's house.

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