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For what it's worth, my hacky solution to this is this script which kills all the background processes that use significant bandwidth. If you're interested in how I came up with the list of processes, I can share the BitBar [1] script I wrote for monitoring per-process network usage (I wrote a small wrapper around nettop that logs to a db, which is read periodically by my BitBar script to show me the per-process usage:

    if [ $(whoami) != root ]
      echo "Please run as root, not $(whoami)"

    while true
      killall -9 planb 2>/dev/null && echo "$(date) - Killed planb"
      killall -9 murdockd 2>/dev/null && echo "$(date) - Killed murdockd"
      killall -9 uplink-soecks 2>/dev/null && echo "$(date) - Killed uplink"
      killall -9 nsscacheclient 2>/dev/null && echo "$(date) - Killed nsscacheclient"
      killall -9 ksfetch 2>/dev/null && echo "$(date) - Killed ksfetch"
      killall -9 nsurlsessiond 2>/dev/null && echo "$(date) - Killed nsurlsessiond"
      killall -9 softwareupdated 2>/dev/null && echo "$(date) - Killed softwareupdated"

[1]: https://github.com/matryer/bitbar

Won't Launchd simply start them all up again? It'll be simpler to disable the launchDaemons :P

And really, put a sleep in there of at least a second or so or this'll be a huge resource hog.

> Won't Launchd simply start them all up again?

Yeah, that's why it's running an infinite loop heh

> It'll be simpler to disable the launchDaemons

Simpler that just nuking them with kill -9? No way. Better in literally every other way? Absolutely

> or this'll be a huge resource hog

That's a fair suggestion, but I'm seeing 0.0 CPU and MEM consumption, so I'm not too concerned

please share the script for monitoring per-process network usage! I'd love it.

I just pasted the relevant files in here. At some point I'll try to make this a bit more professional and easy to use, but for now it works!


(ps if having an easily installable version of this would be helpful to anyone reading this, please comment or upvote this and maybe I'll prioritize it :) )

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