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Nokia selected by NASA to build first ever cellular network on the Moon (nokia.com)
4 points by sjcsjc on Oct 19, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Seriously. Does anyone on here ever bother to check whether a story's been submitted already, before mashing their keyboard? This must be about the 10th time I've seen this posted on HN over the past few days.


Here is your answer. Multiple people post, and eventually the upvote lottery puts one of them on the front page and a discussion ensues.


I don't browse the site by the front page, but by '/newest' and regularly see the same story reposted within minutes of being posted by someone else. And, while the 'up vote lottery' may explain why one particular posting of a story gains most popularity, it doesn't address the question of why no-one bothers to check before posting.

Take the Nokia/Moon story I specifically referenced. Multiple people were still submitting that one the day after it first broke.

Did none of those people have the gumption to consider that, on a site, like HN, obsessed with all things technological, such a technology fan's wet dream of a story might just conceivably have already been submitted by someone else, during the preceding 24 hours?

It’ll be powered by batteries from a legion of Nokia 3210 units recovered from the drawers of homes across Midwest America.

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