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This looks like a great command line alternative to git diff or diff, but I have to admit that I greatly prefer meld when I need a quick diff against non version controlled files, or sublime merge when using revision controlled files.

still using Sublime Merge? I never used it, wondering if you still like it

I use Sublime Merge pretty much every day, and it's nothing short of fantastic.

It's properly fast, the diff/stage/commit/etc UX is excellent. I particularly enjoy how straightforward it makes it to hand-pick lines from multiple files really quickly. The interface abstracts over enough of the Git ux/api to make it get out of your way, but in a way that doesn't make what it's doing a mystery or too out of your control - hovering over a button will often yield the equivalent git cli commands for example.

Personal preference here, but it's also not an electron app, so it's very resource light.

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