> Ordering has a performance cost. It needs to either be maintained at all levels, or reconstructed from unordered messages at a later point.
Yep, although it's not typically as bad as it sounds even in Akka/Erlang; TCP gets you most of the way there. It does however become a problem when want to try to scale 'out' (i.e. use multiple links for message prioritization, etc.)
> Likewise for Orleans, but the caveat of a "stable cluster" doesn't do much for users. "Stable cluster" falls apart frequently in real scenarios, which can be as simple as a single machine being abruptly restarted. Developers must account for the error scenarios.
For sure, Akka doesn't do it for you. I think one of the biggest yak shaves in setting up would be picking your partition strategy and making sure it works the way you intended. But, once you do it's fun to watch the metrics graphs move when you cut nodes. :)
> This is similar to what .NET developers are used to, since regular objects are also not destroyed when a method throws an exception, and the caller is able to handle the exception.
Yeah supervision can be a bit weird to explain properly.
It all goes back to that first point though; Orleans is a very guided implementation and has very nice, C#-like bindings. Akka is in my view (Akka.NET project contributor, have also written some frameworks and in-production business apps using) more of a 'Toolkit'. You can see this in the various modules that result from it, such as Akka Streams, Spray/Play. Lagom, etc. Use Orleans if you want to write distributed code in C# quickly and within it's constraints. Use Akka if you want to write distributed code or just a quick and dirty Message-passing Scheduler/kernel.
Yep, although it's not typically as bad as it sounds even in Akka/Erlang; TCP gets you most of the way there. It does however become a problem when want to try to scale 'out' (i.e. use multiple links for message prioritization, etc.)
> Likewise for Orleans, but the caveat of a "stable cluster" doesn't do much for users. "Stable cluster" falls apart frequently in real scenarios, which can be as simple as a single machine being abruptly restarted. Developers must account for the error scenarios.
For sure, Akka doesn't do it for you. I think one of the biggest yak shaves in setting up would be picking your partition strategy and making sure it works the way you intended. But, once you do it's fun to watch the metrics graphs move when you cut nodes. :)
> This is similar to what .NET developers are used to, since regular objects are also not destroyed when a method throws an exception, and the caller is able to handle the exception.
Yeah supervision can be a bit weird to explain properly.
It all goes back to that first point though; Orleans is a very guided implementation and has very nice, C#-like bindings. Akka is in my view (Akka.NET project contributor, have also written some frameworks and in-production business apps using) more of a 'Toolkit'. You can see this in the various modules that result from it, such as Akka Streams, Spray/Play. Lagom, etc. Use Orleans if you want to write distributed code in C# quickly and within it's constraints. Use Akka if you want to write distributed code or just a quick and dirty Message-passing Scheduler/kernel.