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It sure does look like a cat, but maybe it's actually a runway for alien spacecraft.

Once they invented inertial dampers, runways that zig-zagged like a cat's ears became a fun way to take off and land.

The shapes formed by Nazca lines can only be seen from the sky, that's the weird thing.

The ratio of the dimensions of the base of the Egyptian pyramids to their height includes pi as a factor. I once saw a TV show that concluded that since there's no evidence the Egyptians knew what pi was, space aliens must have been involved in their construction.

Later, some wag pointed out that if one uses a measuring wheel one cubit in diameter to lay out the base as a number of revolutions, then made the height as an integral number of cubits, you unwittingly wind up with pi in the ratio.

The cat in question clearly looks like a cat at ground level, where the photographer was standing.

According to the article, the cat wasn't made by the Nazca who made the famous lines, but an earlier culture a few hundred years previously.

At least some of those lines might be visible from higher terrain nearby. That might be part of the fun.

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