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A great opportunity for Siemens to collect money for their abysmal Mindsphere IIoT platform... I get a feeling the EU is on a very bad trajectory into a more and more planned, copycat economy. Someone develops some product / service (e.g. flexible infrastructure as a service aka "cloud") market decides if it is good. EU falls behind in that category. EU commission throws money at pet projects that in best case will come close to the original offering but will just burn money (/ flood money in certain pockets) in most cases. Farewell market economy (or what is left of it)

The EU has been in that program going all the way back to agricultural subsidies. I see those subsidies and research funds as the historically first form of a massive UBI scheme, an electorate-friendly scheme. Its just that the Income comes with a lot of bureaucracy and a menial job.

The scheme is not sustainable but at least it prevents social upheaval

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