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I think that path gets you to the JVM or something similar.

Let’s say you use library A, get a string out of it, and want to pass that to a function in library B. That will only work if both libraries have the same idea about what a string is. The same argument applies to arrays, hash tables, etc.

Similarly, the wish to be able to have a serialization library that works across languages will add restrictions.

Also, do you support bare functions? If so, you’ll have to tweak things for Java. Do you support function overloading, and if so, how? Do you have multimethods? If not, you’re putting languages that do at a disadvantage. If you do, languages that don’t will be problematic.

The only examples I can think of where that works reasonably well are C/C++/Objective-C (with the C ABI as the intermediate), Java/scala (but note that scala was designed to work on the JVM, in the same way C++ and Objective-C was designed to work ‘on’ C), and C#/F# (again, F# was designed for .NET)

Swift is designed to work with Objective-C and, because of it, with C and, to a lesser extent, C++. This tries to make that a larger intent.

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