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You might be surprised.

Cryptographic RNGs achieve their strength through large round-counts. ChaCha runs 20x quarter rounds of its algorithm, which means you're basically doing:

randomNumber = hash(hash(hash(hash...hash(seed)))))))))))

After 80-iterations of your hash function, you'd HOPE it was random looking!! In effect, cryptographic RNGs are built for safety, and have huge safety margins.


The "natural" approach to making a non-secure (but faster) RNG is to reduce the hash rounds to a single cycle. IE: instead of running 80-quarter rounds of ChaCha, why not just run 1x quarter-round of ChaCha?

Well, it turns out that 1-round of ChaCha20 is utter crap. Completely crap, worse than a LCGRNG.


AES is similarly designed for 8+ rounds. In my experiments, it took 4 or 5 rounds before AES would achieve a decent distribution of bits!!

It took a fair bit of effort for me to turn AES into a random number generator. I analyzed AES's bit-flow, and designed a "counter function" that worked well with AES's single-round weakness. Even then, I never accomplished a 1-round of AES RNG, I had to use 2-rounds of AES to make a decent bit distribution.

In particular: 1-round of AES is only designed to shuffle bits across a 32-bit DWORD. You need the 2nd round (or more) to shuffle the bits to the whole 128-bit group. (That is: the "MixColumns" and "ShiftRows" step of AES, which only really take effect on the 2nd round or later).


If anyone could figure out a special "seed" function that can work with AES's single-round weakness, they probably can make a much faster RNG than what I accomplished. Or maybe, people can just be "happy" with 32-bits of well-shuffled bits? A 32-bit RNG (with 128-bit seed) is probably still useful to somebody.

I’m not surprised; you’re rolling your own crypto.

Quoting JP Aumasson’s Too Much Crypto [0]:

The best result on ChaCha is a key recovery attack on its 7-round version, with 2^237.7 time complexity (the exact unit is unclear) using output data from 2^96 instances of ChaCha, that is, 2^105 bytes of data. On 6 rounds, a similar attack can run in time & data 2^116 & 2^116, or 2^127.5 & 2^37.5. On 5 rounds, the attack becomes practical due to the lower diffusion, and runs in 2^16 time and data.

You see what’s happening there? 5 rounds is easily broken, 6 rounds is borderline secure, 7 rounds is secure. Same thing with AES; these algorithms were never meant to be used the way you’re using them.

[0]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1492.pdf

> I’m not surprised; you’re rolling your own crypto.

I agree! PRNGs are surprisingly difficult! The main difference I argue, is that the statistical-tests applied to crypto-algorithms are "harder" than the statistical-tests applied to PRNGs.

In a standard PRNG, you're happy if you can say pass the Chi^2 test. But with a Crypto-PRNG, you're aiming to beat differential cryptoanalysis.

What is differential cryptoanalysis? Well, its just a pair-wise statistical test across your bits!! Its a far more strict test than just Chi^2, but the overall concept is the same: Anything that differs from a uniform random distribution fails.


> You see what’s happening there? 5 rounds is easily broken, 6 rounds is borderline secure, 7 rounds is secure. Same thing with AES; these algorithms were never meant to be used the way you’re using them.

Indeed. But for those who need "simple" PRNGs for simulation purposes.

Since PRNGs are designed for speed, their statistical tests are far easier than differential cryptoanalysis. You're "only" aiming for Chi^2, or other tests (See PractRand or BigCrush).

ChaCha over 5 or 6 rounds is going to be inevitably slower than a single-round of xorshift128!!

True, ChaCha "scales" to higher rounds (xorshift128 will probably fail differential cryptoanalysis even with 20+ rounds applied... while ChaCha continues to get "more secure" the more rounds you apply all the way up to 80+ rounds).

But that's a weakness PRNG users are willing to accept. As long as the bits are random enough for a monte-carlo simulation (for raytracing, or weather simulation, or... AIs), you're happy.


Because PRNGs tests are "easier" than crypto-tests, you can often make due with a single round alone. (See LCGRNG: a singular round of (seed = seed*K1 + K2) is sufficient to pass Chi^2 tests).

I've never designed a crypto-algorithm before. But based on my understanding of Crypto... the creation of PRNGs is a surprisingly similar field. GF(2), Bijections, mappings, bit-tests, statistical tests... they have applications to both crypto and PRNGs.

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