optaplanner simply rocks - I appreciate your work in the space tremendously.
My suggestion is to create a simple way to deploy a to containers so that a primary server can pass out parallel optimization runs to a set of secondary nodes, allowing you to parallelize really easily.
a second generation of this would include code to spin up secondary nodes on demand depending on the number of parallel scenarios you want to run.
Yes, our container integration needs to become more streamlined. One of ours first goals is make it very easy to deploy all quickstarts on OpenShift (= Kubernetes) especially the Quarkus ones, by including a docker file and a how-to-deploy in the readme.
My suggestion is to create a simple way to deploy a to containers so that a primary server can pass out parallel optimization runs to a set of secondary nodes, allowing you to parallelize really easily.
a second generation of this would include code to spin up secondary nodes on demand depending on the number of parallel scenarios you want to run.