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>- block access ala GFW, ensuring that most people will have difficulty accessing it or using it

depending on sofistication of that solution you could imagine some forms of tunnelling to be efficient against that (IP-over-X). Then of course due to the complexity this workaround will be used by a tiny fraction of users.

>- block access to any data you cannot decrypt or from an endpoint you cannot backdoor

steganography would be a solution to this, you can decrypt the cat pictures I'm exchanging with friends but you may not be able to notice that those images have hidden content (which may also be encrypted)

>- do nothing, knowing that most users will avoid using anything that isn't one of the major web platforms

this seems to be a guaranteed-to-succeed solution. Probably much better than

>- run some kind of propaganda campaign on the evils of using unsanctioned software (supporting terrorism etc.)

since there is always a risk that this may backfire and encourage resistance in some groups

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