I really enjoy how TS is the same on server and client. The C# runtime is way richer, but I like the TS type system more. Not sure I’d want to use different platforms on backend/front end even if C# did server rendering like React.
Not sure what you mean by different platforms. Did you mean languages as React and Node are separate entities? Personally, if I had to hire a developer the minimum requirement would be competence in JS/React and a statically-compiled server-side language. JS-only developers are to be avoided.
Different platforms meaning JavaScript vs C# vs Java and their respective runtimes. Yes server and client JS are not the same runtime but they are easy enough to smooth over that they are practically “the same”
Yes a JS only developer is probably lacks certain experience but I am well versed in Java and have had solid exposure to C#, like they them both a lot, but today would prefer to use TS on backend and front end for any small project. The fact that I can share types and validation code (Joi) on both server and client is really powerful in my opinion. There’s only so much you have time to focus on when you’re working on a small project. Context switching two platforms is a big impediment in such cases.
Out of curiosity what if I'm good, say above average, with C# backend, but never used React commercially, though have used Vue on personal projects for the last several years, but consider my JS a bit of a weak spot?