Factorio is a lot more fun for me when I turn enemies off entirely. It stops being a game of extreme panic with that single change, and you can focus on resource collection and construction.
(Valid responses to that approach are valid. I'm not going to try to predict what everyone will say and address those responses before they come. Or at all.)
I had the same issue the first time around. My solution was to spend some time building a massive wall (using cliffs to help provide a natural barrier) around the perimeter with a belt full of ammo that refilled all of the turrets. The defenses rarely engaged the enemy but when they did it helped that they destroyed a segment of the wall instead of my base. Made it far more enjoyable to fight the buggies.
I disable mob griefing in minecraft because some mods caused creepers to explode on their own and they also had bigger explosions so there were holes everywhere. Creeper explosions don't drop all destroyed blocks so you will never have enough material to fill the holes even if you wanted to. Finally, because they very rarely destroy my own structures and I don't want that.
It's not like there is any point in killing creepers in modded minecraft. The vast majority of monster loot in minecraft is worthless.
If it is annoying then turn it off. It's just pointless busywork. I've played a lot of games where adding a few tweaks here and there would have made it ten times more enjoyable.
(Valid responses to that approach are valid. I'm not going to try to predict what everyone will say and address those responses before they come. Or at all.)