the issue is less how much tax _individuals_ pay. Tax avoidance on behalf of individuals is tiny and absolute "small-fry". The biggest cheaters that can afford it on a massive scale are companies.
one of the biggest problems is that if you want to compete in a global market space you're kind of forced to use legal (but dirty) tricks (tax optimization such as transfer pricing etc). The strategy is always to squeeze the consumer end (e.g. the retail) and supply side (production/manufacture etc) and this is where you're losses are while you scoop the profits from the middle (a tax haven). It's cool to talk about Cayman and Switzerland in silly Hollywood movies but some of the biggest tax havens are actually the US (Nevada, New Mexico, etc), Luxembourg, Netherlands, UK ... as long as we don't clean up this rigged global financial system we shouldn't even consider discussing about whether the average Joe has been taxed enough.
There is a great book that links the emergence of this offshore industry with the dissolving of the empires (e.g. Gabon is laundering the money for the French elite in the same way as BVI, Caymans have been used by Brits) ...: "Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who Stole the World (2011) "
Even we clean up all our structures in the West there will be plenty of opportunity to move capital to Bahrain, Dubai or uhm ... Japan
Why IKEA’s profits are mostly tax free
Legal loopholes make Sweden a tax haven
Siem Offshore Fined NOK 5 Mln in Tax Evasion Case
the issue is less how much tax _individuals_ pay. Tax avoidance on behalf of individuals is tiny and absolute "small-fry". The biggest cheaters that can afford it on a massive scale are companies.
one of the biggest problems is that if you want to compete in a global market space you're kind of forced to use legal (but dirty) tricks (tax optimization such as transfer pricing etc). The strategy is always to squeeze the consumer end (e.g. the retail) and supply side (production/manufacture etc) and this is where you're losses are while you scoop the profits from the middle (a tax haven). It's cool to talk about Cayman and Switzerland in silly Hollywood movies but some of the biggest tax havens are actually the US (Nevada, New Mexico, etc), Luxembourg, Netherlands, UK ... as long as we don't clean up this rigged global financial system we shouldn't even consider discussing about whether the average Joe has been taxed enough.
There is a great book that links the emergence of this offshore industry with the dissolving of the empires (e.g. Gabon is laundering the money for the French elite in the same way as BVI, Caymans have been used by Brits) ...: "Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who Stole the World (2011) "
Even we clean up all our structures in the West there will be plenty of opportunity to move capital to Bahrain, Dubai or uhm ... Japan