watching Pinocchio (the series[1]) as a child was always somewhat scary. there were some moments that I remember until today which I was really terrified and that gave me actual nightmares.
I'd really love to see a remake of the film (or the series) but for adults and as a fantasy thriller/horror show. It would have lot of potential I think.
Real af, that's the Carlo Collodi story I remember. I don't know if Tolstoy's буратино was any more saccharine, but it's doubtful. Fairy tales as recorded by the Grimms are also generally dark (and folk songs generally filthy).
Thomas Bowdler, LRCP, FRS (an inspiration for Orwell's crimestop?) was an english bowlderiser who flipped up Antony+Cleopatra, among other plays, which causes one to wonder what that melonfarmer did with lines like:
"She made great Caesar lay his sword to bed:
He plough'd her, and she cropp'd."
This [1] is a TV series I remember watching when I was a child, I can't remember how faithful is to the original story (at least I remember it having a shark instead of a whale) but I remember too being scary. I am not sure how easy is to find it and if there are any English subs for it though.
honestly I felt like spelling out that JP is an alt-right dog whistle would be more inflammatory than simply telling that person I don't share their political views.
Sure, but saying nothing would have been even better. Peterson is a known commodity. All the arguments have been made, and people have just been yelling at and taking swipes at each other for a long time now. Repeating that doesn't help.
I'd really love to see a remake of the film (or the series) but for adults and as a fantasy thriller/horror show. It would have lot of potential I think.