I repeated the experiment on my Galaxy Note 8 with its active pen, with similar results on both sites (not included in the images above). Witeboard completely failed, while Ziteboard rendered my handwriting as expected.
I also tried conventional touchscreen/TrackPoint/touchpad input on both devices to make sure it wasn't an issue with the active pen, but the results were again the same.
As one last test, I connected a mouse to the ThinkPad and tried both sites. Witeboard worked a little better with this pointing device: it mostly kept up but did have a lot of straight lines and sharp angles when I tried to draw scribbly circular patterns. Ziteboard again performed perfectly.
I have no affiliation or prior knowledge of either of these sites, I am just reporting my experience in a quick test of each.
1. Does it keep up with rapid movement? (If something fails this, it’s a total non-starter.)
2. Does the eraser on the back of my pen work? (If not, it’s very frustrating and a very bad sign.)
3. Does pressure sensitivity vary the thickness of lines? (I just find it’s a bad sign if something lacks this—tools that support pressure sensitivity seem to pretty consistently be far better than tools that don’t.)
Witeboard fails all three, badly. So no way am I ever going to use it.
Ziteboard is a bit better at #1 (though still not good), but fails #2 and #3 and has hideous latency and accuracy as well—it’s postprocessing strokes heavily, which makes sense for mouse but shouldn’t be done either at all or as much for a pen. So I’m not going to use Ziteboard either, it’s unpleasant to use.
Browserboard is the worst of the three: hideous latency, terrible accuracy, missing the start and end of each stroke, and fails all three.
I’m using Firefox on Windows on a Surface Book. I know much better is possible, because I wrote a simple, local, pressure-sensitive drawing tool some years back (in the early days of pointer events), and it worked just about as well as local apps like Microsoft Whiteboard or Krita or GIMP do. All three of these tools just seem to be making rookie errors like doing too much processing probably on the main thread, and skipping coalesced events. (Those are my guesses of the problems, as a developer that has dealt with this space.) None of them are good; Ziteboard is merely the least terrible.
> 2. Does the eraser on the back of my pen work? (If not, it’s very frustrating and a very bad sign.)
That's just such a random feature to expect from a web app, leave alone to use as a "very bad sign". I can see how it can be useful, but I disagree that the lack of it is critical.
Not all styli have erasers, but a very substantial fraction do. Detecting it is a basic operation when you’re using the Pointer Events API (event.button == 5 and event.buttons &== 32). I use not supporting this as a proxy for other basic errors of implementation, such as using mouse events instead of pointer events. This is why I say it’s a very bad sign. It’s a simple thing that I can point at and say, “this thing is half-baked; they have very probably done a bad job”, without needing to go through a larger battery of comparative and subjective tests.
The eraser not working is a sign the app hasn't been thought out from the perspective of graphic tablet users, which would likely be a pretty major target demographic.
Sure, but not to the level of a "very bad sign". Especially when the whole thing is sluggish to begin with and seems to be struggling with far more basic operational tasks.
If it's sluggish to begin with and fails basic operational tasks, sure, it doesn't matter that much whether the eraser works—because it hasn't even met the low bar to be judged on its tablet functionality at all.
> Browserboard is the worst of the three: hideous latency, terrible accuracy, missing the start and end of each stroke, and fails all three.
Sounds like I have some work to do. Not owning a pen-based device seems to be really hurting my ability to create a good experience here. I only own Windows, Mac, and iOS devices, and no tablet.
Thanks for trying it out, I really appreciate the notes.
> All three of these tools just seem to be making rookie errors like doing too much processing probably on the main thread, and skipping coalesced events.
I promise Browserboard works really hard to get this right, though in JS it's not really possible to move things off the main thread. I wrote and maintain Literally Canvas, a fairly popular open source embedded drawing app, and dealt with some of these issues, but without owning hardware for testing it's really hard to cover the unknown unknowns.
Have you found any online collaborative whiteboard tool that does what you want here? It is so frustrating compared to native apps where low latency, pressure sensitivity, and the pen eraser are table stakes.
Mr.doob's multiuser sketchpad has the essentials as far as real-time sharing and drawing capacity. It would work very well in private mode: you could share a link to start recording a live session.
As soon as I put my pen to the surface and made a big sweeping movement, it popped up five or ten alerts in a row, all reading “please, draw slowly”, and broke (the socket disconnected and stayed disconnected). Um. When I drew things small, this didn’t happen, but it was as badly broken as Browserboard in that it wasn’t registering the first (and maybe last?) short time of each stroke, which makes it completely useless for writing. So, total failure of #1, and #2 and #3 seem inapplicable by design so I can’t judge them. But I’m not in the slightest bit impressed with this, functionally.
No idea. I’ve never needed a collaborative whiteboard, and for non-collaborative use I haven’t found anything on the web anywhere near as good as the desktop options of Microsoft Whiteboard and Krita (though Krita has a definite learning curve), so on the odd occasions I want to share things with others I just do screen sharing of these. I started making one of my own a few years back and had the basic interactions down pat, but shelved that project before it ever got really good or could have supported collaboration. Mine was also bitmap-based rather than vector-based, which is a significant difference in approach in some regards, losing you some functionality but gaining you a lot of speed.
More of an input for developers than actual suggestion but collaborative art boards like MagicalDraw[1] aren't new among digital artists and they're quite robust
I... think back then(tm) those web apps used to run as Java Applet or Flash, then switched to HTML5 when those were obsoleted and while Firefox was still struggling to modernize.
No it should definitely not. I really see this as an extra tool you use when you are already in a call with people, And if you don't like the Microsoft teams / zoom culture just use https://jitsi.org/jitsi-meet/ its free and opensource and works just by sharing a url.
Contrarily to the other mentioned before, it is opensource [1], and you can easily host your own instance if you don't like the idea of sharing your whiteboards on a random server on the internet.
Awesomely responsive, great sharing model, very easy to use.
Drawbacks I saw (for my own use patterns):
- Not great for use with a pencil-based tablet: pencil vs. hand or other pointer are not distinguished. I don't want my finger to draw, I want only my pencil to draw.
- Couldn't find how to permanently set a different size for pencil vs. eraser. I want a huge eraser (and a large eraser didn't work too well, independently of this comment) but a thin point pencil.
- No "erase region" or "clear page" functionality.
All of the above may look independent, but in fact are highly inter-related. If I wasn't constantly smudging the screen with my fingers being confused for pencils, I wouldn't need an eraser that much. If the large eraser worked well (and I didn't need to reset the size every time I switch from pencil to eraser) I wouldn't need the "clear board" functionality.
The clear page functionality has been asked before, but I'm not sure I want to implement it. It seems useful when you are alone on your board, but when there are dozens of participants, you don't want a single one to be able to clear everything in a single button press, be it by mistake or maliciously.
Maybe add a confirmation dialog and clear the page while showing a message as to who cleared it?
If you already have an undo system then you could push the pre-cleared state to it as well.
it's easy to make armchair feature request suggestions when I haven't even so much just looked at the code, so I will end by saying good work on having a tool that people actually use!
Maybe require a quorum on the confirmation dialog? Less than 5 participants on the board - single confirmation. Less than 20 — 2 need to agree to erase. etc.
I like that you can easily share a private board between people, unfortunately it didn't seem to work well with my mouse. Something about the postprocessing messed up every single line I was trying to draw, which made it impossible to write anything legible.
Edit: it's quite a bit better in chrome, but still not perfect.
Not GP. Tested on my Dell Latitude 5290 2-in-1 (AKA. my sidearm), with Dell's active pen, running Firefox.
Works very well with the pen indeed. I love this, and the fact that it's self-hostable only makes it better. Also, props for deferring to the system color picker!
I'm not sure why this is being downvoted. I had a similar experience. Witeboard seems to have trouble with curves. Trying to draw an "o" would invariably result in geometric shapes, a perfect circle, or some sort of rectangle. I was experiencing a lot of latency as well, which only aggravated the situation.
That stopped it from conversion to perfect circles or elongated rectangles, but I still have issues drawing anything with smooth curves. E.g. Here's a side by side just drawing "o's" at varying speeds on witeboard and ziteboard.[0]
To get anything remotely legible on witeboard, I have to be exceptionally slow. Even then, it's not a great result.
While you're trying things out, would you mind testing https://browserboard.com? It's a little thing I made similar to these tools. It's not commercial, I just want to make sure it works well.
My pleasure! I love trying out stuff like this, especially in these days of trying to whiteboard remotely. As it is getting late, I may just make this a brief test right now.
A minor point to note is that the URL with the www does not work - you may want to fix this:
So on to the handwriting test. Yes! You are much closer to the Ziteboard experience. Pen input works very well on both the ThinkPad Yoga and the Note 8 and it renders my writing nicely.
You seem to be doing a similar kind of smoothing that Ziteboard does? When I write on Ziteboard I see a bit of angularity as I write, which gets smoothed out when I'm done. Yours seems to do this more in real time.
One thing I got confused on: trying it on the Note 8, I wanted to scroll the view to get some blank space to write on. I found the four headed arrow icon which did exactly what I wanted - I can now scroll the view with the pen or finger. But now I can't figure out how to get out of this mode and write again?
The pan feature works like a "tool", so you can select any tool (pen, text, etc) to get back to drawing.
Touch interactions are definitely a work in progress, I just want to make sure they aren't broken for now. :-)
I'm doing fancy incremental line smoothing. It's not that hard, but no one else seems to do this, and it really bugs me. It takes some effort to understand how and make it performant, but it's such a nice boost to the feel of it, in my opinion.
Yeah, that incremental line smoothing makes such a difference. Ziteboard is pretty good and I have no complaints about it - my writing seems a bit angular in realtime, but seeing that almost-immediate smoothing makes me think "Yeah, that's exactly what I meant to write."
But you do it immediately as I go!
I noticed a little bug on the Note 8 - when I'm on the main page where I can sign up or create a board, it's chopped off on the left and right sides. Selecting "Desktop site" from the Chrome menu fixes it.
Tested on my Dell Latitude 5290 2-in-1 (AKA. my sidearm), with Dell's active pen, running Firefox.
Works surprisingly well, it's the first web whiteboard that's actually usable with the pen. Congratulations on getting this right! One minor inconvenience: when I draw with the pen, it doesn't show the line I'm drawing until I lift the pen back.
late to this thread, but I noticed the same behavior on Firefox (81.0.1) without a stylus/pen. whatever tool is the default when creating a new board, when I started writing nothing showed up until I stopped clicking.
Its a little awkward that the line doesn't draw when your cursor / finger is held down, and only on release. Other than that, great. I had no dramas getting out of pan mode.
How do you like your ThinkPad Yoga for note taking? I'm thinking if to get something like this or Samsung tablet for pdf reading and annotation writing notes on pdf for learning what do you think?
I don't actually use it that much for note taking, so can't advise on that specifically. I do use it for things like taking a screenshot and marking it up, and sketching out design ideas whiteboard-style. It works great for that, although most of the time I just use it as a conventional ThinkPad laptop.
In fact when I use the pen it is usually with the display hinge in "laptop" mode, not flipped all the way around to tablet mode.
Either way, as long as you have the software support you need, the hardware works great. It is both a touchscreen and a Wacom tablet with pressure sensitivity. At least the pressure sensing works in native Windows apps - web app support has been more spotty.
For annotating PDF files, I guess you would need Acrobat Pro? Or would you use some other software?
Right now on my computer I use foxit reader it's superb I think for annotation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KJoxZABjOY.
So sounds like both Samsung and yoga are good for note taking and the only question is whether I want something light or something that could serve also as a laptop, thanks!
Oh wow, ziteboard has a feature I’ve been looking for for ages: vector graphics rather that pixel graphics. You can zoom in indefinitely, making nested notes and annotations possible!
I do have to confess my superpower though: the subtle smoothing that ziteboard.com and our friend irskep's browserboard.com apply. Without that, the writing would not be nearly as pleasant to look at.
Sorry if this was already suggested. Make sure you fix that load time asap so you don't lose any potential users prior to the screen being interactive. A quick hack might be to simply display a quick overlay dressed up like a landing page with a short description and have it load behind that until some CTA is pressed. That may prevent anyone from thinking the link is broke or whatever.
As for the widget, I enjoy seeing the trend lately. It's nothing innovative, but is starting conversations on how remote workers have more options to incorporate similar things into our workflow. Great job!
I love that this exist, but the core problem with remote whiteboards is that everyone can write something legible when using a marker on a whiteboard, but it's way harder with a mouse/trackpad.
It would be nice to have some features that made it easier - the features I really miss from apps I use to create diagrams are basic shapes like rectangles and the ability to select and move/resize/copy existing drawing.
Thank you!
What I am missing is not a whiteboard.
Whiteboard is just a solution that works in the office.
The underlying requirement is: I want to be able to express myself in a visual way together with others.
So a solution to the same requirement, that works remote, shouldn't have to mimick a whiteboard.
Instead I would like the ability to :
* Draw straight rectangles, lines and arrows
* Type text with my keyboard
* Move stuff afterwards
* Let participants point at different places simultaneously
I'm looking forward to trying out Escalidraw.
It seems to cover the first points, but not the last one.
So I find miro.com does exactly all of this very well. It just happens to try to do a whole bunch of other stuff alongside it, which makes the initial investment in moving your team to using it quite substantial.
You can get a decent little drawing tablet for $30 these days. You'd probably spend half of that in the cost of pens over the device's lifetime. They're no longer ultra-expensive specialized equipment.
> You can get a decent little drawing tablet for $30 these days. You'd probably spend half of that in the cost of pens over the device's lifetime. They're no longer ultra-expensive specialized equipment.
Most people probably already have an ipad or android tablet. Drawing with your fingers is already far better than a mouse and a basic active pen like the logitech crayon is within anyone’s range who has an ipad. There are many clipboard sharing options to quickly push a cloud whiteboard from the laptop to the tablet.
I don’t get why anyone would subject themselves to the pain of drawing with a mouse.
I do. I have an iPad and the Apple Pencil has made a huge difference for me, but I think its hard to expect everyone to have a device (even a cheap one) for that occasion when they want to contribute to the whiteboard.
That's really interesting -- it genuinely does make drawing with my mouse far easier!
I was trying to write with my mouse on the various whiteboards mentioned above and getting a garbled mess, but it's distinctly legible using your approach. :)
> I love that this exist, but the core problem with remote whiteboards is that everyone can write something legible when using a marker on a whiteboard, but it's way harder with a mouse/trackpad.
I'm actually experimenting with that with my side project Doodledocs [1], that feature isn't live yet, though. Also, for the user, one thing I found is that if you hold a large paperclip in your hand like it's a pencil, you can make easier writing motions on a trackpad. I do this when I'm using my Macbook instead of my iPad.
[1] https://doodledocs.com is basically Witeboard but with a less pretty and more buggy interface :P (I wrote it last year as a side project)
Online whiteboards are just awful with a mouse, what's worked really well for my livestreams has been a WACOM like tablet that I can hook up via USB to my laptop or Desktop.
I use it to annotate pdfs and also with the MS whiteboard, it's not necessarily the best to collaborate with but I really like how I can zoom infinitely out to keep adding stuff. I prefer this setup over regular whiteboards for solo brainstorming sessions
Two minor suggestions. (1) when you enable "blackboard mode", the cursor should become white. As it is, the cursor is very hard to see on the blackboard. (2) it honestly took me a while to figure out that you can share just by sharing the link. Maybe make that clearer somehow?
I have tried to use various similar applications and the experience was overwhelmingly negative (due to limitations of mouse-based control). Thus, I'm considering getting an inexpensive graphics drawing tablet purely for ideation, note making, document annotation, and IT architectural diagramming (not for graphics design or digital painting!). A brief research narrowed down my choices to XP-Pen Deco 01 V2, Huion H610 Pro V2 and GAOMON M10K 2018 models (GAOMON and Huion are reported to be using the same [Huion's] driver).
One thing that I'd like to know is whether one of these models has any significant advantages versus the two others? For example, I suspect that a touch ring on GAOMON might be much easier / more natural / more reliable to use than two-button zoom design on Huion and even more so than assignable buttons on XP-Pen. Another - and much more important - question is security and privacy. My concern is whether these (or any other similar devices, for that matter) send any private user information to their manufacturers (would denying relevant firewall prompts be enough? if so, would that be a problem from the driver update and/or other functionality perspective?). Finally, I'm curious about potential differences between these models in terms of their support for non-mainstream applications, e.g., Miro and ArchiMate. I would appreciate sharing your thoughts on this.
A good remote whiteboard is surely missed in these times of remote work and isolation. But I begin to doubt that is possible to create something for regular computers that can fully replace the interaction and creativity that you can have with a colleague at a real whiteboard. Something about the size I think. It is not legible to draw as much on a screen as on a whiteboard and if you need to zoom and stuff the case is already lost.
It seems at least mostly on topic to share here this thing I released a little over a year ago: https://www.swapadoodle.com
It's definitely not useful for the same things, but it has a lot of similarities and seems potentially interesting as something to compare and contrast with this.
Google has not much known product in google docs suite, called jamboard which works really well for this usecase and has tablet apps which makes it very good to use with apple pencil.
Benefits over this include better tools, better sharing and security, and I am guess stability and scalability.
Very cool product, please keep at it. Feedback: scrolling feels tedious. Please allow holding space key + mouse click and drag to move around the board (similar to how most design tools handle this).
Crash my lubuntu 18.04 session every time, when using firefox 80.0.1 (works fine with chromium though), Nvidia-driver 450.51.06, after waiting to load the screen goes black and blinks a few time.
Tested on my Dell Latitude 5290 2-in-1 (AKA. my sidearm), with Dell's active pen, running Firefox.
Looks sleek, initially seemed to work fine with pen drawing. That was until I touched the screen with my palm. Then all hell broke loose - the app got stuck imagining there are some input events happening in the middle of the screen, so every attempt at drawing created a squiggly mess - every nth point dropped by my pen got connected with an imaginary point in the middle of the screen, and then back to my drawing.
I like the simplicity very much! It can be already useful. One thing is missing though; showing the zoom level. It is very necessary when more than 6 people try to write lots of things.
Neat. A bug report: after about 15 seconds of use, I got a little "You are disconnected" warning. It disappeared almost immediately, clearing the whole thing.
I miss uploading images and PDFs that I can "lock" and write on top. Ziteboard does it, but it is expensive and also when someone zooms everyone is zoomed, which kind of sucks. Jamboard is also bad at writing on background images. We do need a good whiteboard app with a simple share indeed for classes.
Is this supposed to be a touch/pen interface first? I'm trying it out with a mouse, and having many issues, like drawing of random lines as I draw, as well as losing lots of draw operations when it does a sync with the server.
Just noticed - undo is pretty flaky, e.g. if you draw a few shapes that get shape-detected like squares and circles, pressing undo will not only erase the last shape but also remove shape-detection on the second-last shape.
It's not impossible at all, it should be fairly straightforward to learn something like React Native or Flutter or Swift and make it, and we'll love you for it!
Why do you want it as a native app? I, personally, prefer web pages wherever possible, because I know that they are well-sandboxed and can be run pretty much everywhere.
yet another:
a long time ago I found fabric.js and took a different approach to many I see here, which is to use it's SVG-style approach to the canvas.
Sorry, that was not me! I had put my mouse-drawing abilities to test crafting a solution to the leetcode problem, and soon after publishing the link here, swarms of HN denizens rushed in and destroyed the beautifully crafted solution that would have otherwise gotten me a job in top tech companies.
Out of curiosity, I tried ziteboard.com (which came up in a search for "online whiteboard"), and it rendered my handwriting perfectly.
Here are the results from the two sites:
I repeated the experiment on my Galaxy Note 8 with its active pen, with similar results on both sites (not included in the images above). Witeboard completely failed, while Ziteboard rendered my handwriting as expected.
I also tried conventional touchscreen/TrackPoint/touchpad input on both devices to make sure it wasn't an issue with the active pen, but the results were again the same.
As one last test, I connected a mouse to the ThinkPad and tried both sites. Witeboard worked a little better with this pointing device: it mostly kept up but did have a lot of straight lines and sharp angles when I tried to draw scribbly circular patterns. Ziteboard again performed perfectly.
I have no affiliation or prior knowledge of either of these sites, I am just reporting my experience in a quick test of each.