To be clear: the scenario outlined above is one where I'm filing a bug report against a software project that I do not use and do not ever intend to use.
I think your premise is specious. Who files detailed bug reports on a piece of software that they have never and will never use?
What is the scenario where someone would bother doing this?
What is the scenario where they even have the knowledge to file this detailed bug report since they lack any context on the software in question?
That you're here having trouble grappling with the suggestion that such a scenario is even plausible is evidence of the cynical depths we've reached. Even in the case that you're unable to understand why, does the "why" really matter? It happens, and that's what matters.
That seems unnecessarily rude. Also, you still haven’t offered up a plausible scenario of why you would magnanimously look at my OSS project that you have no intention of ever using, find a bug, and submit a bug report, exhortations of circa 2008 Clay Shirky notwithstanding.
Am I supposed to refrain from being seen as unkind to someone tacitly accusing me of lying? I gave an answer before you ever even asked the question. I don't know what you want, I don't know why you think you deserve my time and energy in light of the incoming rudeness directed my way, and I don't know how you can't see that expecting it is in stark contradiction to the position you're taking.
I think your premise is specious. Who files detailed bug reports on a piece of software that they have never and will never use?
What is the scenario where someone would bother doing this?
What is the scenario where they even have the knowledge to file this detailed bug report since they lack any context on the software in question?