Happy to answer anything, I work at Feedly. In the Pro+ you get both AI and also Newsletter feeds, Twitter feeds, Reddit feeds, public boards, soon Web Alerts
I think the fact that you've paywalled Reddit RSS feeds which are free is scammy. I get asking money for improving something, but there is no way to just subscribe to Reddit feeds as is.
No, I don't think so. For example, they have a feature that allows to follow a some twitter feed. Twitter does not have RSS feeds, so they wrote a code to handle that and charging money for that. I'm totally fine with that.
Reddit has RSS. Here is an example - http://old.reddit.com/r/all.rss . To subscribe to it, you need to pay 12 dollars per month to Feedly. And this I think is scammy.
Correct, Reddit RSS are not reliable, but most importantly, the rate limit always banned us in couple days every month. There are some tools available, but they will run into this issue eventually when they'll hit critical mass of users.
The problem with Reddit feeds is that without using their API (that costs us money) we were getting rate-limited by their servers, so even when we have moved polling to Pro users only, we were still being blocked, so the only way was to use their API to bring Reddit to everyone.
I set up an AWS API Gateway that proxies to Reddit RSS URLs and then I just give the APIG endpoint URL to Feedly. Unless you have a lot of reddit feeds or high traffic ones, you probably won't even break out of the APIG free tier.