It's what I use too. And except for getting a new logo a while ago, absolutely nothing has changed since I started using it, which I love. I hope it never goes away.
Meanwhile, Apple invents a new magical way to set the alarm time on their phones once a year, and it infuriates me.
Is anyone else having very old posts (e.g. published in 2003) float up as just published on top of their TheOldReader "all items" timeline? I subscribe to some blogs that include very old posts in their feeds and it seems like TheOldReader wraps timestamps around at some point.
I wrote to their support about it since it's getting annoying, but I haven't received any reply (I'm using their paid tier). I'm guessing its kind of a rare edge case.
Not for me, they're all in the right order, but I've only used it since a year or 2 after Google Reader shut down (was using Tiny RSS for a while). Maybe it's a particular feed that's messed up?
It's possible. I've looked at some feed sources and didn't see anything obviously wrong. I suspect TheOldReader also because if I go to view only a specific feed, the entries are sorted correctly newest-first, but displayed publish times go something like "... February 2003; ... January 2003; ... September 2020; 2 hours ago" but on hover the "September 2020" and "2 hours ago" change to their correct 2003 publish dates.