In the current work system performance is tied to monetary compensation only. We believe that compensation should not only be monetary but time based as well. Your most valuable asset is TIME and we feel if your performance improves you should be paid in your TIME and MONEY. Hope this helps, more questions please email us!
You presently trade your time for money, the goal is to spend less of your time for more money based upon performance. Most of the time we spend 80% of our time on things that dont matter and 20% on those that do. The key is to get more focused on spending more of our allocated time on the things that matter and be compensated as such. For example lets say you get paid $10/hour but you are only productive 20% of the time thats a net loss of your time and company time of $8/hr. If we can convert that $8 to productive time we gain and the person gains as well. This is the goal of Unlimited Salary.
"No Vacations" - is that a Freudian slip? :)
What is the average number of weeks an employee takes? I think that would be a good metric to mention generally.
The second part you may have missed is "You can take as much or as little time off as you like." We feel if you are happy our customers will be happy! Why have fixed vacation periods, its more important to take breaks when you need them to prevent burnout.
Helping 198+ podcasts, 1,160+ guests and 2,950,000+ listeners connect every day!
Join our team to help hundreds of podcasts, thousands of users and millions of listeners learn, grow and excel.
If you LOVE podcasting we would love to talk to you.
Currently looking for people with strong skills in one or more of the following:
Growth - Help us connect better with guests, influencers & podcasters.
Product & Development - Help us make podcasting better for those who produce and those who consume it.
No Vacations - You can take as much or as little time off as you like.
Unlimited Pay - the better your performance the less hours you need to work and the more you get paid. Isn't that the way it should be!
Please contact us if you are interested and tell us why you would be a good fit for us and why we are a good fit for you.