If you have been on a commercial flight in the past 3 years you are very likely (50%+ chance) in the 5% of the richest people on Earth. If you are just on hackernews you are very likely (50%+ chance) in the 5% of the richest people on Earth.
If you make $33,500 a year, you are among the richest 5% in the world. [0]
The threshold for an individual to enter the global top 10% in 2012 was about PPP$15,600 per capita household income, or PPP$62,000 for a family of four. [1]
The threshold for an individual to enter the global top 1% in 2012 is about PPP$50,000 per capita household income, or PPP$200,000 for a family of four. [1]
It’s not full of rich people cramped into tiny seats, I’ll tell you that much.