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But rust does have Traits which work perfectly fine for that same logic. We can just say this trait implements the Button and ToggleButton Traits.

> But rust does have Traits which work perfectly fine for that same logic. We can just say this trait implements the Button and ToggleButton Traits.

i've never seen that not being called oop

It pretty much is. But it's not exactly class inheritance, so most people don't consider Rust to be OOP. Structs ("classes" in Rust) can implement Traits and Traits can "inherit" each other, but structs can't inherit implementations from other structs.

> Structs ("classes" in Rust) can implement Traits and Traits can "inherit" each other, but structs can't inherit implementations from other structs.

Right, this is textbook interfaces used for composition.

Let me paste you a few paragraphs from the GoF book, released in 1994:

> Inheritance versus Composition

> The two most common techniques for reusing functionality in object-oriented systems are class inheritance and object composition. As we've explained, class inheritance lets you define the implementation of one class in terms of another's. Reuse by subclassing is often referred to as white-box reuse. The term "white-box" refers to visibility: With inheritance, the internals of parent classes are often visible to subclasses.

> Object composition is an alternative to class inheritance. Here, new functionality is obtained by assembling or composing objects to get more complex functionality. Object composition requires that the objects being composed have well-defined interfaces. This style of reuse is called black-box reuse, because no internal details of objects are visible. Objects appear only as "black boxes."


> Object composition has another effect on system design. Favoring object composition over class inheritance helps you keep each class encapsulated and focused on one task. Your classes and class hierarchies will remain small and will be less likely to grow into unmanageable monsters. On the other hand, a design based on object composition will have more objects (if fewer classes), and the system's behavior will depend on their interrelationships instead of being defined in one class.

Like, it's the most well-known OOP design book and it states exactly that - more than a QUARTER CENTURY ago. Who in hell argues that this isn't oop ?!

Even the bible has more than ONE single interpretation, and as much as you would like, GoF isn't the bible of OOP, just a famous book among plenty of others.

Maybe widen the bibliography of OOP programming languages beyond Smalltalk and C++ patterns?

They're not wrong, though - Rust really doesn't need implementation inheritance to be considered OO. It just needs some notion of object identity, and virtual dispatch - and it has both.

Indeed, that is why reducing OOP to implementation inheritance is a very constrained view of the paradigm.

Just like placing ECS against OOP, when they are discussed across OOP SIGPLAN papers and are the genesis of language features like Objective-C, CLOS/Flavor protocols and Smalltalk categories.

I guess, as always, the blame lies in how we teach these subjects and many don't do it properly.

They can, however, derive impls.

Which I consider a better approach than inheritance, ymmv.

Traits are just like Objective-C protocols, pretty much OOP to anyone that bothers to read about the various approaches how OOP concepts can be implemented.

There are plenty of ACM and IEEE papers if you want to see it being called OOP.

So typeclasses in Haskell are OOP as well? Sounds like a pretty meaningless definition.

typeclasses are definitely oo. just because it's compile-time polymorphism doesn't make it "not oop".

OOP is strictly run-time polymorphism. It may be that in some instances of OOP, what calls what is deducible at compile time. That subset alone is not OOP.

OOP means that an object which does not exist now can be written in the future, and loaded into code which has already been compiled and is already running now. The method calls in this existing code will correctly resolve to the method implementations in that object.

Then “OOP” is an entirely meaningless definition. Where exactly are the objects in Haskell?

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