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When Fonts Fall (figma.com)
244 points by twog on Sept 29, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 41 comments

Really cool article.

But over the past few years/decades, as glyphs have exploded in number, I've been finding myself wanting a totally different system of font definition.

I want fonts to be made out of just a handful (at a minimum) of primitives -- e.g. here's a vertical stroke, a horizontal stroke, diagonal strokes, what various serif endings look like, here are what the bowls of letters look like, etc.

An entire Latin alphabet can easily be extrapolated from that -- but also Cyrillic, for example. And then you can go further, and specify elements used only in Greek, and so on...

But the idea being that there's a "default", boring, generic universal font template that covers all glyphs. And that a type designer simply modifies parameters as desired.

Now the designer can go as far as they want, with individual glyph adjustments overriding the automatically-generated ones, custom kerning pairs and whatnot.

But the benefit would be that, even if they don't, then for a Latin alphabet you already get Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, etc. characters that match well (in x-height, stroke width, etc. as needed).

The more I work with typography, the more I think static font outlines for each glyph are the wrong way to represent things. Smart parametized outlines are what we need.

> I want fonts to be made out of just a handful (at a minimum) of primitives ...

> the idea being that there's a "default", boring, generic universal font template that covers all glyphs

> a type designer simply modifies parameters

Have you looked through the Unicode code charts lately and really thought about how many primitives you'd need in order to create glyphs not just for Latin/Cyrillic/Greek, but also for Arabic, Telugu, Thai, Lao, Javanese, Mongolian, etc., etc.? Never mind the miscellaneous symbols and dingbats, and the ever-growing collection of emoji....

I don't think this is a realistic proposition.

Within a closely-related group of scripts -- like Latin/Cyrillic/Greek -- and within a constrained range of styles, yes, it's possible: e.g., see Knuth's METAFONT and the various font families that have been created with it.

But if you want to do the traditional thing (design a separate glyph for every code point), isn't that still a similar amount of work?

I'm not that deep into designing typefaces, but I'd expect that many designer already work in a similar mode like GP suggested. The only difference is that you'd encode the ruleset instead of the outcome.


The most unusual characteristic of Computer Modern, however, is the fact that it is a complete type family designed with Knuth's Metafont system, one of the few typefaces developed in this way. The Computer Modern source files are governed by 62 distinct parameters, controlling the widths and heights of various elements, the presence of serifs or old-style numerals, whether dots such as the dot on the "i" are square or rounded, and the degree of "superness" in the bowls of lowercase letters such as "g" and "o". This allows Metafont designs to be processed in unusual ways; Knuth has shown effects such as morphing in demonstrations, where one font slowly transitions into another over the course of a text. While it attracted attention for the concept, Metafont has been used by few other font designers; by 1996 Knuth commented "asking an artist to become enough of a mathematician to understand how to write a font with 60 parameters is too much" while digital-period font designer Jonathan Hoefler commented in 2015 that "Knuth's idea that letters start with skeletal forms is flawed".

For a small sample of font source code, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metafont

Edit: for an idea about what variants can be generated, see https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/visiblelanguage/pdf/16.1/....

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_master_fonts and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_fonts are younger, but also don’t quite work. It’s very hard/not really possible to design parametrized fonts that look well across wide parameter ranges.

Yes -- I think Knuth's work is a great first draft of this.

In my mind, however, the concept is less about providing parameter values (like Computer Modern), but more about actually drawing the parts. In other words it's less about variable/multiple masters, but "here's what the end of a vertical serif looks like at this weight", "here's what a full vertical stem looks like". (Though if you're extrapolating from Latin to Arabic where virtually nothing is in common, then it might be closer to a multiple masters situation.)

Maybe it's too hard to do, I can't be sure. But I've also seen deep neural-network-generated fonts posted here that have intrigued me... and even if it's too hard to simply "assemble" fonts from pieces and get a good result, I can't help but wonder if deep learning applied to 10,000's of typefaces couldn't be a tool in making that happen effectively.

How are you going to address the fact that the same letter (even in the Latin alphabet) can have wildly different outlines? Just look at the character "a": some are circular, others have the "hook" over it. Or the "&": some are more like a continuous stroke, others spell "et".

More parameters -- enumerated ones rather than real-valued ones.

The "two-story" "a" is default, but set a bit to choose the single-story version. Similarly with a lowercase "g" and so on.

(And of course plenty of existing fonts already give variants for these kinds of things too -- so the user could even still choose an alternate one, even if the font designer never designed it!)

Have you looked into Prototypo [1] before?

I was about to suggest you try it, but I just went on the website and it seems it has been sunsetted, which is a shame. It was a very interesting idea — you could create your own fonts by changing sliders which would change all the different features of the font.

I backed their Kickstarter project [2] in 2014, but never really used it after their development builds. I suppose I imagined myself being able to design all these different typefaces, but when I was actually given the ability to, I preferred to stick to ones other people had created.

[1] https://www.prototypo.io/ [2] https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/prototypoapp/prototypo-...

Also, here's a video from Adobe MAX 2015 where they show off a similar tool (called Project Faces) on an iPad. [1] As far as I know it never actually got released, though…?

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcUo9ULvVq4

> I want fonts to be made out of just a handful (at a minimum) of primitives -- e.g. here's a vertical stroke, a horizontal stroke, diagonal strokes, what various serif endings look like, here are what the bowls of letters look like, etc.

Tom7, who makes excellent videos about computers, has one about splitting letters up to create anagrams in this way.[0]

All of his videos are technically astounding, like the one where he frankensteined a raspberry pi into a game cartridge to play SNES games on a NES, or the one where he designed and built a computer using IEEE 754 NaN and infinity instead of 0 and 1.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTBAW-Eh0tM

Glyphs (the font authoring app for macOS) supports this workflow via their Smart Components feature. [1] The resulting outlines are "baked" when you build the final font, so this is a "compile time" feature, but the principle is the same. With variable fonts, you can get even interpolation between resulting forms "at run time".

[1]: https://glyphsapp.com/tutorials/smart-components

You might want to look into Recursive which is probably the closest thing to what you describe. https://www.recursive.design/

Has anyone tried a machine learning approach to glyph generation?

Hey, that's Marcin Wichary! He's the creator of GUIdebook, a really nifty desktop GUI comparison site. It hasn't been updated in almost a decade and a half, but it's still really neat.


Marcin is a type wizard. I really enjoyed this typography talk from him as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVD-sjtFoEI

And quite a writer too. I'm reading the article right now and it is great fun!

He also coded quite a few interactive Google doodles[0].

[0] https://medium.com/@mwichary/stanislaw-lem-on-google-s-homep...

He also has some nice posts about typography: https://medium.com/@mwichary

At Discourse we generate a default avatar that is a circle with the first letter of the username in a colored background[^1].

When we wanted to add support for Unicode usernames, we had to include support for generating avatar images with those extra possible characters. It was quite fun creating the fallback system this blog post talks about and trying to support as many real languages as possible. The Noto project was really helpful, not only the fonts but also the pythons scripts they provide for dumping the codepoints covered by a font[^2].

You can check the fallback logic at https://github.com/discourse/letter-avatars/blob/master/lib/...

1. https://meta.discourse.org/t/switch-from-gravatar-to-html-cs...

2. https://github.com/googlei18n/nototools/blob/master/nototool...

One thing this article doesn’t mention is that the two font file formats used on the web (TTF/OTF and WOFF) can’t contain more than 65,536 glyphs. Which I suspect is the main reason the Noto font caps out at ~64,000 characters on that bar chart of how many characters are in some fonts.


And not only is that not enough for all of Unicode, but you actually hit the limit much sooner, because that is the number of glyphs, and a good font has more glyphs than characters, due to things like ligatures.

CJK fonts also commonly max this out as well.

> font-family: Joanna, Helvetica Now, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

Why would someone fallback from a serif font (Joanna) to Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif?

It’s customary, that’s why >99.99% of people do it. They don’t stop and think about it, or they would realise that it was typically a bad idea.

I would much rather have your custom font and then sans-serif, with nothing in between. Let me use your web font, or use my sans-serif, which is probably one of the fonts you listed in your fallback order anyway, but this way if I’ve expressed my own preference (I have) then these other Helveticas and Arials don’t get in the way.

The real problem with the fallback stack is that there’s no way of adjusting things depending on the font used. Perhaps web font A is about 10% larger than system font B, you really want to be able to say “bump the font size and line height by 10% if you have to fall back to B”; but you can’t.

So for simple fallbacks (of the “if this font is unavailable” type, rather than the “if this glyph is unavailable in this font” type), the main reason to add fonts between your font and serif/sans-serif is to match sizes better.

Then in the case of monospace, the problem is that some (most?) platforms have a default that most find ugly (e.g. Courier New), so I can more readily understand people preferring to opt into prettier fonts offered by the platforms, even if I wish they wouldn’t do it.

Perhaps they did it in order to make it very obvious when fallback has occurred, for illustration purposes.

Not a bad way to see it IMHO.

> But the internet leaves no room for someone with a pencil.

I've never personally seen it done, but couldn't you do this with the Unicode Private-Use Area? Assuming you have your own blog where you control the CSS, you could sprinkle in a few private-use codepoints, and then add a custom web font to the CSS font fallback that defines glyphs for those same codepoints.

(I know putting a document with Private-Use codepoints up on the public web would go against the philosophy of Unicode; and that the correct thing to do here would be to email the Unicode Consortium about the need for your character. [They'll probably agree!] But, ignoring the philosophy, in practice this would still work. And at least you're not directly confusing machines that try to extract semantics from the text, the way e.g. Wingdings fonts do.)

This is generally a bad idea for accessibility reasons:

• Screen readers won’t be able to do anything with it;

• Some mobile users especially will turn off web font loading;

• Even if custom fonts are enabled, it’s not terribly uncommon for them to fail to load for any number of reasons;

• It’s best for performance if you can do something like `font-display: optional` or `font-display: fallback`; but if you are actually depending on glyphs in your font, you can’t do this. (For that font, anyway; if you use a custom font for just that range, you could still make any custom body text font optional, though at the cost of an extra request for the private use font rather than it being embedded in the rest.)

Sure, but all of those negatives are also true of the thing you’d use in place of a private-use codepoint: an inline-reflowed image.

Private-use codepoints at least have the advantage over inline images of being “opaquely” copy-and-paste-able into other documents, machine-read, etc. Any system that works in term of Unicode text will pass along the private-use codepoints in the stream, where it might strip higher-level out-of-band features like images.

As such, private-use codepoints are the analogous feature to the .notdef glyph in fonts, but for machine semantics rather than for human comprehension. In both cases, the “reader” (human/machine) gets something that it knows is there but doesn’t recognize, but knows is valid, and can opaquely be preserved and passed along, and potentially “made legible” through the lens of a different eye than theirs.

One place I would see this as being useful is in the display of unique not-yet-formalized emoji in chat systems. Copy-and-pasting such “text” out of the system would just get you opaque PUA codepoints; but if you emailed such “text” to somebody, and then they copy-and-pasted it back into the chat system, they’d see the same emoji you saw originally. It’s like a public URL representing a private document that you have to be logged into the relevant system to “access.”


The real negative of the Private-Use Area codepoints, from a conservationist/archivist perspective, is that unlike HTML images that each have a distinct—if opaque—URL, the Unicode Private-Use Area is quite limited, and so prone to collisions in usage.

If the Consortium had instead come up with a stringing scheme such that any private-use glyph was actually formed from a sequence of private-use combining codepoints [sort of like the flag combiners] to form e.g. a full encoded UUID representing the PUA codepoint, then various organizations could actually generate private non-colliding codepoints without a need for registration using e.g. UUIDv4, and then be able to rely on the assumption that such codepoints will only have semantics under their private system—and any other system that wants to be explicitly compatible with their system; rather than those codepoints potentially having other, incompatible meanings in other systems that just happen to reuse them, as happens today.

Interestingly, such Private-Use UUID codepoint-sequences could then later be “adopted” into Unicode through a formal process. People who had created documents that used such meta-codepoints could register them with the Consortium, where the Consortium would 1. create “official” codepoints for those same semantics; and 2. ship a regularly-updated database file mapping meta-codepoints to later officially-registered codepoints. One pass of Unicode normalization would then involve using that database to replace private-use UUID codepoint-sequences with their registered full codepoint.

Basically, this would take the thing that happened as a series of one-off events with Unicode codepage embeddings, and turn it into a continuous ongoing fine-grained process that anyone can take advantage of.

> Sure, but all of those negatives are also true of the thing you’d use in place of a private-use codepoint: an inline-reflowed image.

Not true: your inline image should have alt text, e.g. if ⅌ didn’t exist then you’d use an image of that shape with alt="per". If the image doesn’t load, it’ll be replaced by the word “per”, and screen readers will read it as “per” or “graphic per” or similar (I believe JAWS adds that “graphic” prefix, not sure if you can convince it not to by careful ARIA attributes—or even if you can, whether you should; these things are a bit dangerous to fiddle with).

Alternatively you might use inline SVG, which gets you vector goodness, and can definitely (rather than possibly) be presented to screen readers as the word “per” perfectly.

Another fancy trick is to use ligatures to replace entire words: make your own fancy web font replace the sequence “ per ” with “ ⅌ ”.

I think most people would just inline images rather than going through the process to create a font. That's not to say what you said doesn't happen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_Unicode_Font_Initiati...

Outlook had a weird fallback in its CSS, instead of sans-serif it had "sans-serif", so some would look for a font called sans-serif, not just use the default sans-serif font.

Outlook now uses the Chromium engine as it renderer (instead of MSHTML) so I guess it doesn't do this anymore?

Is there a reasonable server side way to see when you're doing something wrong with fonts and fallbacks?

I can't see a ninja emoji, but at least there are hieroglyphs. I remember thinking whoever needs all those weird things in the 128 char maps of the C64... now the landscape of glyphs is so massive I can't hope to take it all in...

Question: Is there some reason the entire set of Unicode reference glyphs can't be used as a fallback font? Sure, this would render various things wrong (e.g. Arabic, although Arabic is common enough that you're likely to have a font for it installed so this wouldn't come up), but why couldn't this be done as a better-than-nothing fallback?

I'm on ubuntu and see tofus a lot. Is there some way to make it use the same fallbacks mac/windows use?

For example stuff in this article doesn't render well for me (see the caption of the image): https://imgur.com/a/aFDSKyG

It's because on ubuntu you have a simple and "free" choice in what language support to install - install more fonts (spend some disk space) to get better language support.

It is rational that you only need to spend resources on installing this, if you need it - you can save a few hundred megabytes, at least.

Maybe fonts-ancient-scripts is the one you need here.

My Firefox 81.0 in Kubuntu 20.04 tells me that the paragraph uses Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs Regular, DejaVu Serif, Noto Sans Cuneiform Regular, Noto Sans CJK SC, Twemoji Mozilla, and FreeSerif (in the same order as the fonts on the picture). All installed by default, I haven't tweaked anything.

Could you install the Noto fonts? They are free to download.

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