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For a personal calculation it is a moot point. You're paying the taxes to maintain those roads even if you take the train or a plane.

A true market based solution would be to make all major roads toll roads and use the funds collected to maintain said roads. With EZ-Pass/SmartTag/etc... this could be practical. The problem with toll roads is that local governments tend to use them as a piggybank so you end up with poorly maintained expensive road.

While this looks good at first sight, it reminds me of robbery, wegelagerei/highwayman when thinking longer about it. I mean you need roads anyways, always, if only for emergency- and utility services. Are they exempt, priced in? What about bicyclists? Will there even be roads accessible to bicyclists between cities in such a system? Or can they simply fuck off, because no market for it? What about freedom of movement?

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