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A "flowchart" has very specific meaning in programming contexts [1]. This tool is for wireframing [2]. It's also really just for the flow between pages, as the pages themselves are all pre-baked. There don't seem to be any tools to connect elements of the pages to one another, although some of the example diagrams have that feature and completely different toolbars.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowchart [2] https://www.experienceux.co.uk/faqs/what-is-wireframing/

> A "flowchart" has very specific meaning in programming contexts [1]. This tool is for wireframing [2].

Wireframe also has very specific meaning for UI/UX people and this is not it. This is some combination of site map and user flow diagrams tool, and it's actually very close to diagrams that IME people who do this type of work have to draw a lot of. So it might not do what you'e expected by the title, but that probably just means you're not their target audience.

Agreed. I was trying to imply that you could almost do something like a very simplified wireframe, if the prebaked images happened to be close enough to the layout of your intended pages on your site. But part of the point of a wireframe is to show the hierarchy and layout of elements on the page, and how they connect. You have no control over any of that other than choosing the closest diagram, and connecting whole pages. I’m sure there is still some value to the tool, but the description is not accurate.

On the official site they call it a wire flow or user flow tool, which feels correctly more vague and less misleading.

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