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> Apple doesn’t even have 60% market share in the US.

They have over 50% market share though. They're by far the largest smartphone manufacturer in the US. And they also get the vast majority of app developer revenue, much more than the Google Play Store.

> Android has 86% worldwide.

Worldwide market share is not necessarily relevant to US law.

> They are no where near a monopoly like Standard Oil or Bell.

This isn't actually required by antitrust law.

Worldwide share could be made to matter during the trial (assuming it reaches that point). It demonstrates that Apple's position in the US is a consequence of consumer choice, as they do have real competition. It's just that their competitors have (for various reasons) failed to take (or in this case failed to hold) a larger share of the US market.


Shows the marketshare of mobile OSes by year from 2012-2019. It's worth noting that Apple's > 50% market share is a recent (2019) phenomenon. It's not like they've held that position for the entire decade, and it's not at all clear that they got that position by any illegal or unethical methods [0]. So consumers have made a clear and (somewhat) informed decision by electing to by iPhones.

[0] I'm sure someone will talk about green bubble/blue bubble, but seriously people: stop using SMS/MMS it's crap. Get your friends onto Signal or, hell, even WhatsApp so you can have real cross-platform, secure (less some metadata) communication.

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