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Those fell in a desert and were then made into jewelry and preserved in some of the best conditions on the planet. And they still look corroded.

At this point I've sort of lost track of the argument. I read articles about how glaciers preserved soft tissue from the ice age (> 22 kiloyears ago)[1], I've got a bit of rock with a perfectly preserved trilobyte from Montana that is over 380 million years old, and yet people reading want to argue in this thread that massive amounts of inorganic structures built by humans to last for centuries will somehow be dissolved/eroded beyond detection in some short period of time.

So it seems unequivocal to me that human impact on the planet will be preserved for millions of years via the same mechanisms that have preserved snapshots of what was going on millions of years ago.

[1] https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/14/europe/preserved-cave-bear-sc...

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