A related question: Can a president pre-emptively pardon himself? I think there was some deal being worked on Jeff Epstein's case where that could have happened.
This is actually an excellent, unsettled legal question. On the one hand, the Constitution provides almost no restrictions on pardons. On the other hand, there's a strong argument for precluding self-pardons based on the principle that "no man shall be the judge of his own case", despite no such principle being expressly expounded in the Constitution.
I highly doubt the president can pardon himself from anything. That flies in front of all precedent and I don't even think the conservatives on the supreme would be stupid enough to uphold such an idiotic attempt to escape justice.
He isn’t able to pardon himself from his obstruction of justice charges but if he steps down near the end and lets Mike Pence be president, Mike Pence can pardon him.
The Constitution doesn't restrict presidential pardons except in cases of impeachment. If Trump pardoned himself I am sure eventually the Supreme Court would have to rule on it.