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If you like this I can’t recommend Brain.FM[0] enough. I use whenever I need to deep work/think about things and I find I have long stretches of incredible productivity combined with noise isolating headphones

They also boast a lot of actual research that backs up why they play the sounds they do and such.

It’s been a life changer for me, really. I hope I never see the day they go out of business cause I am heavily reliant on it to maintain productivity at this point (thanks ADHD)

[0] https://www.brain.fm/

Just to chime in here to agree - the first five work sessions I used Brain.fm I kept thinking "I really do feel more focused, I wonder if this is a placebo. Maybe it's a placebo." At this point, I think even if it is a placebo, it's helpful and great for my work. :)

I had the same train of though. I've been using it for years and while I am not sure if it's placebo or not, I can confirm that other music for work I've found online doesn't work as well for me. The "Relaxed focus" playlist is my favorite one.

There is a coupon code for 20% in this review that's still working - https://www.gohomerelax.com/brain-fm-review/

Placebos get the worst rap. I think it's a startling human ability that should have way more research money going into it than it does. All hail placebo.

I use brain.fm, but I would not say "they boast a lot of actual research".

Their single "performance pilot" paper is mostly marketing, with a single trial on 12 people with no details on statistical significance. The effect could very well be no different from white noise.

I want to try this, but why is it an app and not just a website?

On my desktop, it is just a website? Maybe you're accessing from a mobile device, where most people prefer to consume software as apps, and they are making that the default?

Yes, I’m on a phone. I don’t see a way to use it in-browser. I don’t install apps unless absolutely necessary (no need for the a app to have more permissions than it needs to function)

I don’t see why this has to be an app. I’ll have to wait until I get in front of a laptop to try it in-browser (if I remember).

Have you tried requesting the desktop site? That worked for me.

Have you tried changing your user agent/checking the "Desktop site" on your mobile browser?

They have a mobile app, and they also stream via the web. I imagine due to vast consumer preference, they detect mobile and steer you to the mobile app for ease of use, but the web player will work.

I use the web player on desktop all the time and its seen its fair share of improvements, so its really about meeting the average consumer where they are at, I think.

Seconded. It’s really quite impressive, and the music is updated all the time. I’ve been hearing newer stuff with guitars lately. You wouldn’t know it was computer generated if you weren’t told.

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