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I’m curious, given salsa’s[1] so-far quite-effective use of the incremental computation (Adapton/Incremental/Bonsai), if you could elaborate on some of the pitfalls there for UI specifically. The primary salsa use case so far (in rust-analyzer[2]) is obviously fairly different from the pure UI use case, as it’s allowing other things to do the work on the UI and is using it purely for the incremental computation of compilation results, which are a very different set of constraints from UI painting. But at that point, my own knowledge runs out: thus the question.

[1]: https://salsa-rs.github.io/salsa/ [2]: https://rust-analyzer.github.io/

This is particularly of interest to me because I work day in and day out with what is to my knowledge the only application of the incremental computation approach to browser UI,[3] and colleagues and I have talked about what it would take to reimplement in Rust—what the tradeoffs would be, where the problems would emerge, etc. I suspect part of the issue is that the constraints of using the DOM informs a lot of the design considerations in the space, whereas implementing from scratch gives very different tradeoffs?

[3]: https://v5.chriskrycho.com/journal/autotracking-elegant-dx-v...

It's a very good question. I haven't really tried using salsa directly, but I know Adam Perry spent some time with it. I believe an earlier prototype of Moxie actually used salsa, but he ended up moving away from that for reasons I don't fully understand myself. In any case, Crochet is very deeply inspired by Moxie, so there's certainly an influence there, even if we don't end up using the code directly.

Regarding DOM, yes. I think it's held up pretty well considering how long the ideas have been around. It's slow, it's clunky, but it gets the job done. But I also think now is a good time to consider better ways to implement its core functionality, which is tree mutation.

IIRC the issue I had with salsa was that there’s no way to compose multiple databases from separate libraries and have them use the same incremental storage without deep integration.

I'm unsure how directly relevant this is but when I dug into the implementation of Elixir's LiveView stuff I was frankly amazed as to how little javascript was needed client side to apply the diffs being sent down.

I'm aware this is significantly because they "cheat", but I feel like you're already looking at borrowing from other peoples' trickery so maybe it'll still be of interest.

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