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Disagree 100%. To me, what we are seeing IS the effect of a company that HAS been effectively nationalized, too big too fail, and time and time again doesn't feel the brunt of its horrendous decisions.

It's worse than that. It's like if Amtrak had its federal monopoly, but was still a private company.

There used to be several US aircraft manufacturers. The US government wanted them to merge to better face competition from Airbus.

Its not accidental that we have two global giants in aviation. Deliberate policy on both sides of the Atlantic.

With benefit of hindsight, I wonder how I would have driven that policy initiative, if I had been pro-monopoly. I think as the largest customer (US Fed Govt), my quid pro quo would stipulate keeping IP and mfg domestic, and curtail the financialization (execs, board, and biggest investors goosing the stock price, buy backs, etc).

In other words, The New Deal. Forging national security thru appeasing both the war hawks and labor.

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