How is this not more left wing technologists trying to use their technology roles to de-platform right wing perspectives they don’t agree with? Literally threatening to quit if they can’t impose editorial content policing on the other side. And you wonder why politicians are about to yank the Section 230 rug out from under these technology companies? Don’t cry when your federally granted indemnity disappears my friends.
Joe Rogan isn't even right wing - he's clearly a progressive (literally a Bernie Bro) - it's just that he's usually willing to talk to conservatives on his show.
Yeah, I’m not right wing either, I just actually believe in free speech for everyone. Even people I don’t agree with. This new movement to censor and silence opposing perspectives is disgusting and should frighten people. Win with the merits of your ideas and perspectives, not by silencing the people who oppose you by claiming moral superiority.
I've been saying this is coming for years now, and honestly, it seems like people are really starting to speak up. I'm happy to see more comments like yours.
Right, but they’re angry because Rogan occasionally brings right wing people on his show and lets them speak. Can you imagine? Allowing opposing perspectives to speak...