It is simple and powerfull but not intuitive. I work a lot with biologist and I explain it as a lab journal: for a lab journal there are, depending on your company, many strict rules to follow, to keep it "valid". For example, changes need a date stamp, people need to sign off on your journal every 3 months. You need to number the pages and keep an index to show it has not been tampered with, etc.
Like many things in the computer world one starts out feeling that something is overly complex and then slowly one realizes that one would have designed a system just like it is now, given the opportunity. Realizing this has made me stop judging new tech until I try it for some time. Also, when many people use something and I find it to be overly complex, I try to reserve judgement and spends some hours at least to really try something. Although this does require some problem to be solved (a concrete target), at least for me.
Like many things in the computer world one starts out feeling that something is overly complex and then slowly one realizes that one would have designed a system just like it is now, given the opportunity. Realizing this has made me stop judging new tech until I try it for some time. Also, when many people use something and I find it to be overly complex, I try to reserve judgement and spends some hours at least to really try something. Although this does require some problem to be solved (a concrete target), at least for me.