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This is the 11th time [1], the last time was 44 days ago (2 upvotes).

The one and only time it breached single-digit upvotes (and thus likely to hit the front page) was 2 years ago, where it got 300 points.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=learngitbranching.js....

Correction, over 4 years ago it was posted a few more times under the old pcottle.github.com URL. For some reason all those postings are not coming up in either HN's own search (at all) or Algolia's, unless you search by title in Algolia:


So yeah, it did have some other popular postings, with one at 12 pts 6 years ago, 47 pts and 82 pts and 232 7 years ago, and 702 pts 8 years ago.

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