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git is pretty great.

What specifically do you find _hard_ or _complicated_?

Once you have a decent mental model of git, it works well. Using git with magit is excellent.

Before I had a good mental model of git, I would've been comfortable with flows like 'add, commit, push' (and the smallest amount of branching from that; 'checkout -b', 'pull'). -- I wasn't able to easily dig myself out of holes I got into if I made the wrong command.

The repo "git flight rules", which explains how to fix problems you get into, has 33k stars. https://github.com/k88hudson/git-flight-rules

Git is pretty great. I have used it daily for well over a decade now, and have been "the git guy" on four out of the last five dev teams I've been on.

The UI is atrocious, though.

I have been keeping tabs on all the things I'd like to see changed about Git in a pile of scribbled notes on VCS design here:


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