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RCA Telemite Miniature Television Camera (1957) (smecc.org)
18 points by Hooke on Sept 26, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

13 years later, the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge-coupled_device#History would appear.

The Telemite might have been tiny, but recording units were a bit larger: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ampex#Quadruplex

I've been surprised at how little I can find about broadcast television cameras on the Internet. Compared to the resources available for cine cameras, there's relatively few forums, details or photos available. I know the cameras were extremely expensive and niche technology, but I would think there would be more interest.

Have you seen http://www.tvcameramuseum.org/?

I have no idea how complete that is, but clicking around, it has data sheets and brochures, sometimes even circuit diagrams for quite a few cameras.

It's hard to tell from a quick Google search if this camera ever even really existed. Seems like if it did, maybe it was only produced for the US military?

I'd be interested too if anyone has any more info...

Did Marty take the JVC camcorder back with him after traveling to 1955?

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