Every era has its things it considers beyond decency to discuss. Most people agree with them, and even if they don't, they know to keep quiet.
Those who agree with the norms of 2020 also think many of the norms of past times were awful. Homosexuality was considered beyond decency not long ago. Race mixing, premarital sex as well. The list can be made very long.
So what are the chances that mainstream decency right now has found the perfect set of correct values, that never needs to be challenged?
Those who agree with the norms of 2020 also think many of the norms of past times were awful. Homosexuality was considered beyond decency not long ago. Race mixing, premarital sex as well. The list can be made very long.
So what are the chances that mainstream decency right now has found the perfect set of correct values, that never needs to be challenged?