“It’s a tragic ending to what was once a warm and fuzzy Silicon Valley story,”
Many believe that eBay has violated the sacred tenet of the “level playing field,” which its founder, Pierre Omidyar, established as one of the company’s basic principles.
Sounds like with all the discourse amongst its users, and as it changes its business model, now is a good time to start creating an alternative to eBay.
Just like all the other eBay news, people will bitch for a week, then go back to selling on it. eBay is where all the buyers are, if you are looking for a deal on a new ______, you go on eBay.
Many believe that eBay has violated the sacred tenet of the “level playing field,” which its founder, Pierre Omidyar, established as one of the company’s basic principles.
Sounds like with all the discourse amongst its users, and as it changes its business model, now is a good time to start creating an alternative to eBay.