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To be perfectly fair with you it's a mistake I commonly make as I'm not exactly interacting with Canadian provinces and it has very little to do with my day to day.

What I am repeating is a "fact" I've heard multiple times from multiple executives and I live half a world away, I've never been truly interested in what the various political systems are in Canada (or the US, or Mexico, or wherever) but I am acutely aware of different laws in those countries too.

For instance in some states in the US it is legal to turn right on red.

If I use the wrong terminology when referencing county or region then it has little bearing on the things I've actually heard.

I never claimed to be an expert on Canadian law, just that I had heard this anecdote and I'm trying to say as often as I can that I'm not an expert in law or Canada itself.

I understand your point, but it _is_ rather pedantic as it doesn't actually change anything about what I said to get it wrong.

I'm sure you know very little about how Switzerland is segmented but you are aware of the direct democracy antics of the country.

Ignorance of one thing does not preclude knowledge of another.

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