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In hindsight, how would you have used the documentation of the Raspberry Pi architecture to determine whether UASP is supported?

Also, I'm really curious if your only problem with that Arcanite was only that it was a defective unit. If anyone reading has any other ideas for diagnosing that problem then I'd love to know them.

Great guide, Jeff. Really enjoyable (and informative!).

> In hindsight, how would you have used the documentation of the Raspberry Pi architecture to determine whether UASP is supported?

Doesn't really depend on the Pi hardware at all, it depends on the kernel driver (kernel must be new enough) and the USB storage device (does it implement UASP in addition to legacy bulk-only-transport?).

https://www.devever.net/~hl/usbuas has a great explanation of the nitty-gritty details.

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