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I ran into a similar issue with a Linksys consumer router. Needless to say, that was back in the box and to the retailer in a new york minute.

I ended up going with Ubiquiti equipment for now, since it was available locally. Much more expensive and complicated but Linksys convinced me it was worth any cost to get the hell away from them. But I will definitely be looking into the Turris Omnia, pfSense devices, and maybe even reusing my current Ubiquiti AP with OpenWRT, next time I need to muck with networking.

I ended up going with Ubiquiti equipment for now, since it was available locally.

Sadly, even Ubiquiti gear has recently been criticised for doing the built-in phone home thing.

It can be tuned off, iirc...

I'm a bit out of the loop on Ubiquiti, but IIRC they pushed out an update where telemetry was not optional, and then after the backlash they may have pushed out another one with slightly more configurability.

If you buy professional gear from an organisation that would think that was acceptable in the first place, you might want to re-evaluate your preferred suppliers anyway.

Which is why I really really want Apple to come back to the Router Market.

I miss my Airport Extreme.

I’ve still got mine. I should replace it with something newer, but I’m not sure what, if anything, is safe and secure.

That was how I replaced mine, I wanted something new to play around with. Turns out it wasn't much fun...... For now I will wait for WiFi 6E from Ubnt.

Doesn't Ubiquiti require online registration, too? It was the first thing I had to do to set up my Unifi AP.

Ubiquiti does not require registration by default but it does collect and uploads data by default.

This is configuring the AP via CloudKey. Don’t know about other methods.

I set up my own controller. No such issue.

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