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Tesla won the self-driving car war, they just aren’t telling us (cringely.com)
3 points by mhb on Sept 18, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The article takes big leap of faiths and makes unsupported assumptions, the little we do know suggests that things are not so bright, for example this guy [1].

Tesla collects a lot of data but nobody outside of Tesla knows if they are doing anything meaningful with it.

[1] https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=38...

What I struggle to comprehend is how a company running things in such a crazy fashion manage to beat everyone. Why can’t somebody else do what they do but follow same management and development practices while doing it?

At times I wonder if anyone actually does thinks properly. I think I have only worked once in a place where everything seemed to have been done in a fairly solid fashion.

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