> We've replaced some insecticides by letting the plants produce their own.
So, you traded insecticide application to it being pre-aplied into the plants. That isn't reducing the amount of them out there.
Yes, there are some gains, like in there being no environmental contamination due to the application. There are also some losses, like in there being long-term environmental application due to contaminated bio-matter.
> We've eliminated some herbicides (weed sprays) by producing resistance in the plant to first Roundup and later other herbicides.
No we didn't. We traded larger amounts of less effective herbicides into lower amounts of incredibly effective ones.
On both cases, there are plenty of details, gains and loses that could be weighted in a public argument and settled down into policy. But the fact is that Monsanto didn't want public arguments, so they got their goals written into laws by the dirtiest possible procedures (really, on my country the entire legislative process was completely illegal) and got the public argument shut down with claims of it being "anti-science" or similar things. Those are not markers of socially positive actors.
So, you traded insecticide application to it being pre-aplied into the plants. That isn't reducing the amount of them out there.
Yes, there are some gains, like in there being no environmental contamination due to the application. There are also some losses, like in there being long-term environmental application due to contaminated bio-matter.
> We've eliminated some herbicides (weed sprays) by producing resistance in the plant to first Roundup and later other herbicides.
No we didn't. We traded larger amounts of less effective herbicides into lower amounts of incredibly effective ones.
On both cases, there are plenty of details, gains and loses that could be weighted in a public argument and settled down into policy. But the fact is that Monsanto didn't want public arguments, so they got their goals written into laws by the dirtiest possible procedures (really, on my country the entire legislative process was completely illegal) and got the public argument shut down with claims of it being "anti-science" or similar things. Those are not markers of socially positive actors.