This article, one in a series of articles complaining about HN's decreasing quality, continues to reinforce two beliefs of mine:
(1) A new, better designed version of HN is needed, and
(2) A design that does not "water down" from the perspective of EVERY reader
MUST be based on reader's choices which will result in different users seeing different things (people don't have the same tastes, and these tastes evolve).
I have a very concrete proposal of how this should be done:
What I don't know is this: If I were to implement the above news website, how
would it take off the ground at first. Give me a convincing story and I will do it.
(1) A new, better designed version of HN is needed, and (2) A design that does not "water down" from the perspective of EVERY reader MUST be based on reader's choices which will result in different users seeing different things (people don't have the same tastes, and these tastes evolve).
I have a very concrete proposal of how this should be done:
What I don't know is this: If I were to implement the above news website, how would it take off the ground at first. Give me a convincing story and I will do it.