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I think I generally agree. Maybe saying "most businesses" is a poor word choice; I don't really have the breadth of experience to speak for the majority of the industry; however, I do strongly suspect that a lot of companies are employing an ops team to wrestle with Kubernetes when their needs could probably be met by a PaaS, and I think this will only get more true as the first generation of PaaS-on-k8s arrive on the market in mature form. I generally agree with this:

> However at the point that you'd usually graduate to running your own VMs (wherever that is on your own company's developmental path), I'd say that using k8s is now a better choice.

However, even then there are intermediate options between VMs and full-on k8s, such as AWS ECS/Fargate, a Kubernetes distro, or managed Kubernetes offering (e.g., GKE) which give me the flexibility to interact with k8s, but they come with sane, pre-configured (or easily configured) solutions for logging, monitoring, ingress, load balancing, upgrades, etc.

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