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First example that came to my mind. There isn't a point in the last 30 years that that movie could have been made.

I agree that the Civ point is a little silly. But try to play the original X-Com now. I have fond memories of poring over strategy guides for that thing and starting to see a measure of success. But it's really tough to play after visiting the modern counterparts. And not because of the graphics.

X-Com Apocalypse is one of my favorite games. I can't stand the new ones. They have shiny graphics (which I generally like in most games) but they have streamlined stuff to the point where it doesn't even remotely feel like the same kind of game.

Part of the fun of X-Com Apocalypse was how detailed and overwhelming everything got. It was hard so success felt good.

> There isn't a point in the last 30 years that that movie could have been made.

Why not? Pulp Fiction was made in that time frame, features roughly as many racial slurs and even won awards.

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