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Civ 4 was the greatest Civ. Civ 5 and beyond tried to turn it into some kind of board game.

"Death stacks" happen in real life. e.g.: every human battle ever, including Normandy in WW2, I don't know why Civ 5 chose to remove them.

Civ 5 and 6 have nice features but it's no longer Civ to me. Plus, the excessive amount of $60 DLCs are a no-no.

I think the death stacks make it too easy to just steamroll over the opposition. One military unit per hex makes it more tactical. It works for me.

Civ 4 has ways to prevent excessive unit stacking. Mounted units, catapults, artillery and air strikes cause collateral damage. Nukes make death stacks useless.

I think the game was fine the way it was.

And still is, isn't it? I don't think they changed Civ 4. Nothing wrong with different people liking different games.

> Civ 4 was the greatest Civ.

Alpha Centauri enters the room ;)

Alpha Centauri was a great game. Its spiritual successor Civ Beyond Earth was not.

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