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Hm, they could simply put the exact date into the LICENSE file upon release and be done with it.

So by default the code in trunk/master/main has AGPL license in the LICENSE file.

Then when they do a tagged release they just specify 2021-09-08 or something.

Also they can probably refer to the git commit date as release date for the code. (After all it's reasonable to specify a canonical place and method for source code access by the author in the license itself. That is, unless you got the code via this and this site then the code is unlicensed.)

Usually successful (widely used) code has simple licenses. Sure, in the future it's possible there will be complex licensed successful things. But currently big corps just don't really touch complex stuff, they spend rather large amounts on preventing these kinds of risks, even if that means buying an inferior software or reimplementing it. (But then there's also the risk of patent infringement.)

It's going to be interesting anyhow.

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